China launches Cernet2 high-speed Internet backbon

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China advanced its nation's communications infrastructure by launching Cernet2, a high-speed Internet backbone.

Cernet2, a high-speed internet backbone, connects 25 universities in 20 cities. Cernet, or the China Education and Research Network, has been able to achieve a monstrous speed of up to 40 gigabits per second during a trial run conducted on 7 December. This is a record for real-world applications, where the average speeds are about 2-10 GPS for universities.

The move into IPv6 gives China the edge on Internet IP addresses, allowing it to add significant address numbers. In the USA, IP addresses number 4 billion, or 74% of the world's total.

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the government censorship really isnt that bad. i've pretty much no problems accessing everything i want to access that i can in australia. there are some problems friends ehre have told me getting to when there is anti chinese enws.. but overall its not tat bad jsut wetern sites can sometimes load slow here in china.

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universites dont need big fast connections!!! just give them a copy of encarta and they are sorted, give me the super fasct connection!!! :D



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