Anyone who has a 'broken' Facebook? (Smart lists, ticker)

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So, as you may know, in late September Facebook announced its new UX: timeline, ticker, smart lists and open graph.

Because I love the entire timeline concept, I did the trick to get timeline right away. Now, I ignore if this is the reason as to why I'm experiencing the following: even though I have timeline enabled, neither my smart lists or ticker work AT ALL! In fact, ticker doesn't even show up on my Facebook, nada!

So, I was wondering if anyone else is having the same problems. Is there some kinda of contact support on Facebook? I did report this a while back on their "forums" but haven't gotten a response so far and it's been two months already!

Any help will be appreciate it!


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For some reason (perhaps I'm lucky) my facebook hasn't changed since 2007 so, no

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