scroll bug?

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I'm using AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II and I seem to get this scroll bug where the page on the stock browser would keep scrolling even when I tap it. I'm currently on the UnNamed rom but it wouldn't much since this seems to happen even with stock rom. I think it only happens in stock browser. Are people using this phone also getting this scroll bug? I asked in xda but didn't really get a firm answer. Someone did post a video of it thou

Note: As a side question, is there a way to set the speed of the vertical scrolling? I'm use to an iPhone where it would not go so far after one flick, allowing to see what I'm scrolling past. When I flick on the GSII, it goes by so fast its like a blur, even when I do a small flick.

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The custom ROM (Ultra-Toxic) I'm using patched that bug in their last update. Although I can't say I've ever experienced that bug.

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