Domain DNS Settings

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Chaps, got a fairly simple question for ya. I'm just getting lost in the particulars.

Situation: I want to point a domain I own to a static IP address.

I would like and to forward to said address.

What changes do I need to throw in the settings? Does the address without the www. need a separate setting.

Getting lost in CNAME's, TXT's and A's atm....


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Why would you think you need cname or TXT record -- A record pointing said www host to your IP or an empty host A record would send yourdomain.tld to that IP.

What dns software are you using? Bind? Windows, What?

A Cname is an alias that would point to another FQDN that would have its own A record to point to the IP, and a TXT record is just that TXT that would be returned when you lookup TXT for that fqdn. Used for like _domainkey for your domain, etc.

If you want to point something to an IP you would use an A record, or if ipv6 address then AAAA record.

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Cheers guys.

I don't really understand DNS, not helped by reading a lot of contradicting forum posts, hence the confusion :(

As to the software I don't know. I'm just using the built in web panel from the domain provider??

Managed to get it working.

I changed the name servers to the domain providers name servers and there is a www 'A' entry pointing to the IP.

Also there was an @ A entry so I changed that to the IP as well. Perhaps stupidly as I don't know what it does! :huh: Is this needed?

I wasn't sure it would work straight away as well - thought it might need time to update, but it was pretty much instant.

Can either of you recommend any good resources for learning about DNS and such like?

Cheers again :)


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"a lot of contradicting forum posts"

On this forum?? I try very hard to crush any FUD I find, especially about dns - since its one of my favorite things to play with. As to contradiction about types of records and what is needed to point an fqdn to an IP -- I have never run across such that I recall. The biggest lack of understanding I find is with how TTLs work and this misconception of some crazy notation that it takes days for changes to propagate.

If people would take a few minutes to learn the system they use every single time they type in www.somesitetheywant.tld we wouldn't have as much FUD that there is. But instead of actually wanting to learn anything, people like to repeat things they hear/read without ever following up on if its true or not by actually doing a bit of research on their own -- its like most of them are parrots or something ;) Which drives me nuts where pretty much anything you want to know is ms a way in this net age, largely thanks to dns ;)

I would highly suggest

DNS and BIND (5th Edition)

I have a 3rd edition that I reference now and then.. Great read! Yes it kind of centers around BIND, but you will find DNS on the planet pretty much centers around BIND as well ;)

But if you want a quick run down, did you bother to read ? More info -- then baby there is always the RFCs!!!

edit: btw to your @ this normally points to $origin in BIND zone file, so yourdomain.tld for example so yeah an A record with @ would point to your origin domain.

As I asked before what DNS are you using?

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