Where do you tip and how much ?

Where and how much do you tip ?  

224 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the places where you tip ?

    • Restaurants (waitresses)
    • Restaurants (takeout)
    • Deliveries (furniture)
    • Deliveries (food)
    • Bars & Clubs (bartender)
    • Bars & Clubs (doorman)
    • Barber shops
    • Hotels (maid)
    • Hotels (bellhops)
    • Hotels (concierges)
    • Casinos (for free drinks or meals)
    • Car mechanic (for repairs)
    • Taxis (cab driver)
    • Airports (skycaps)
    • Creameries
    • Other (please specify)
  2. 2. How much do you generally tip ?

    • Up to 5%
    • Between 5% and 10%
    • Between 10% and 15%
    • The usual 15%
    • Between 15% and 20%
    • 20% and more
    • My criteria is not %. I usually try to round my bill to the next $5.
    • Other (please specify)
  3. 3. Which part of the world do you live in ?

    • West
    • East
    • North
    • South

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Where I live, no one would even think of tipping based on a percentage. We don't always leave a tip, but when we do it's not more than a couple Euros (usually from leftover change that we get back). Over here employees have the "bad" habit of being paid by employers, not customers.

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The question is a bit strange, but there's no way the USA is considered to be in the East.

Unless PyX was talking only about Canada? (and not the world)

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We are, however, in the west hemisphere. I put North and West for east coast North America :)

Fine, I changed my vote to North West (didn't pay attention that you could select more than one)
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I wanted to put two questions : which hemisphere : East or West and North or South, but I only had one question remaining !

Basically, what I want to know is how tips are influenced by our culture, or which part of the world we live.

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In the US, a 15% tip is expected. My thoughts on the matter are why not just increase the price of food ~15%, split the increased income among the waitresses (through commission of some sort) and not require a tip?

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I tip nothing to no one for no service. As far as I'm concerned you are paid a wage to do a job, I have no reason then to pay you extra.

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Other, also I tip my hairdresser, she does a great job and her base price is very reasonable, so I always give her a little extra.

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I tip at waiters/waitresses, barmen, food and furniture delivery men, and taxi drivers. Only if I think they deserve it, though. I normally go for about 10%, and I selected that I'm located West. The last question doesn't really make much sense though, what am I West of? There's no context.

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Restaurants with waiters/waitresses is about the only place out of that list you tip by percentage. Food deliveries get a flat rate that varies on quantity and distance of the delivery. Drinks from a bartender usually get around $1 a drink, unless I run a tab, then I'm more likely to go by a percentage. Tips for hairstylists/barbers tend to run about 50%, since at least the ones I go to provided a lot of free services that make it worth it anyway.

Hotel maids... please please please if you live in the United States or are visiting the US, TIP YOUR MAID. $3-5 a night for low-end hotels, $5-10 a night for higher end. Definitely at least $10/night for any multi-room suites or kitchenette rooms. Aside from the fact that they get paid next to nothing from the hotel, you will find that you if you leave a decent tip you end up with a cleaner room, or be the room that gets fresh flowers or other extras. Leave a thank you note too!

Taxis... I am thankful I don't take that many. I know tips are expected, but I can't bring myself to tip unless they speak English, and have at least cleaned the car *sometime* that week....

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I tip at waiters/waitresses, barmen, food and furniture delivery men, and taxi drivers. Only if I think they deserve it, though. I normally go for about 10%, and I selected that I'm located West. The last question doesn't really make much sense though, what am I West of? There's no context.

When looking at a map of the world, where are you ?


You are at the East of the Greenwich meridian, and at the North of the equator. I wish I could edit that question or just remove it at this point.

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in the US, we have very unclear 'guidelines' for tipping. Youre supposed to tip people that perform a service for you - mailmen, garbage men, taxis, bartenders. but honestly, it just doesnt make sense for most of those industries. why should i have to tip a bartender for simply opening a bottle of beer? that's his/her job. same for a mailman or garbage man. i certainly dont tip the garbage man.

being in the IT industry, i never get tips for fixing the network, or fixing someone's computer. that's my job.

on the other hand, if that service was specific to you and they performed it better than expected, then youre supposed to tip as well. a waitress does a very good job w/ your table - tip more. if they dont do very well, tip less.

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You are at the East of the Greenwich meridian, and at the North of the equator. I wish I could edit that question or just remove it at this point.

Ah. You see, I consider myself to be in Western Europe, hence selecting "West."

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Poll is invalid through and through :p

No option's are right for me:

I don't tip (so I picked other)

I don't % my tip because I don't tip (so I chose other)

I live in the UK. According to our world maps, that's near the middle in the North. Therefore I picked all but the south options.

Shame, could have been promising.

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I tip waitress,bartender,taxi,barbershop.... I tipped $2.41 yesterday for a $10.59(I had a coupon,half price) hair cut..

I try to round it off usually around 15%

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I tip nothing to no one for no service. As far as I'm concerned you are paid a wage to do a job, I have no reason then to pay you extra.

I don't tip.

I don't tip (so I picked other)

I don't % my tip because I don't tip (so I chose other)

On behalf of waiters/waitresses. In an hour, a server will likely serve 3-6 tables depending on party size, and how busy. They make around $2.85 an hour. If no one tips, well, for that hour they only made $2.85. If everyone only tipped a dollar, that can be between 5-10$. I understand if you are broke, or don't have much money to tip (what are you doing going out in the first place, if that is the case), but if you are doing OK, or well off, leave a halfway decent tip. (If the service was good.) My mother was a waitress for a long time, and the good ones of course bust their arse to try and serve you well, and make a living. The job is very trying and difficult, because you have to remember, they are serving other tables just as well as you, so that is many different personalities to please, and they do it a lot in a day. The more of an ###### you are, is going to try their patience, they may be your server, but they are also people.

Personally, if I eat at a restaurant, I tip $10 for good service, $20 for excellent service, and $5 for subpar service (And I have tipped $100 if I have a flirty waitress and I happen to be hammered. It pays off later. ;)). There is hardly a time I do not tip, unless it is really bad, but if that is the case, I usually get a manager to switch my server, so I can have a decent time.

Oh, I also send a $5 or $10 back to the chef who cooked my meal, if it is amazing.

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Generally only tip waiting staff, but again only if they do a good professional job, treating me like an individual and not just another face.

I don't add it to the bill if I'm paying by credit or debit card, and I make sure the money goes to the waiting staff, and only cash.

My biggest bug-bear is when we're on vacation on US based cruise ships, automatically adding 15-20% tip to the bill, sorry but tipping is optional and individual thing. This gives the server opportunity shine and be rewarded so, automatically adding does not incentivize staff, it's weighted more in the favour of the employer.

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Generally only tip waiting staff, but again only if they do a good professional job, treating me like an individual and not just another face.

I don't add it to the bill if I'm paying by credit or debit card, and I make sure the money goes to the waiting staff, and only cash.

My biggest bug-bear is when we're on vacation on US based cruise ships, automatically adding 15-20% tip to the bill, sorry but tipping is optional and individual thing. This gives the server opportunity shine and be rewarded so, automatically adding does not incentivize staff, it's weighted more in the favour of the employer.

thats usually done when there is more than 6 people at a table and its called autograt.

You still can refuse the charges legally if you are not happy with the service..

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