Horrible Day. Please be careful, wear a helmet.

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I know how you feel, I was in the same room when my dad died of undiagnosed diabetes, I was only 14 at the time. It's not exactly the same as what you went through but still traumatic enough that I know your pain

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Sorry for your loss, I know all too well how hard it is to watch a friend die in an accident and there's nothing you can do about it.

No matter how many years you do work in the field it never gets easier, even for us medics.

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Once again, thanks, a lot for all the support.

The wake was yesterday, which I missed.

Just left the funeral. It was a very nice procession for him.

I've dealt with this very well, mainly others helping one another. Talking helped a lot. My brother was there too by his side with me, so having him to talk too comforted both of us.

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sorry to hear that.

my cousin also died without his helm on while riding a bike. He hit a car and he flew toward a tree head on. If he wore a helm, he would have survived.

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