Iowa witness reports glowing apparent alien entity

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An Iowa witness reports that he or she saw an apparent interdimensional-like alien on 24 May 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Iowa is a state in the American Midwest.

The witness reports what he or she was doing before the sighting.

?Myself and two of my neighbours were outside around 9:30 pm discussing a previous encounter with an orb.?

The witness described the weather.

?It was clear out.?

Soon after, the witness reports seeing an apparent alien.

As my neighbour was talking, and showing me what he had seen, out of the corner of my eye I saw An unusual light on the railroad tracks.?

The witness decided to take an closer look at the unusual light.

?As I looked closer, I noticed it was human-like.?

The witness described the height of the apparent alien entity.

?It was about 7-9 tall, and human -shaped, and an inner light emitted from its chest.?

The apparent alien entity also had hair.

?It also had long white(?)hair; and I instantly said "Holy S#!+, LOOK" and pointed at the being, which turned abruptly and seemed to vanish, speeding across the tracks.?

The witness indicated that his friend also saw the apparent alien entity.

?One friend confirmed the same.?

The witness described his or her feelings in response to the apparent alien entity.

?I teared up instantly afterwards, fearful. All three of us felt uneasy.?

The alien entity has been an apparent cause of concern among the witnesses.

?Since this sighting, I have a constant feeling of something watching. My neighbour says he also has had the same feeling.?

The witness would like to know for a fact what they saw.

?I don?t know what we saw, but I would like to. Even now as I sit and type this, I have tears in my eyes. Help! What did I see??? :iiam:

No images were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on 1 June 2012. The above quotes were edited for clarity.


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I'm so glad I moved away from Iowa. Iowa has one of the highest rated educational systems in the United States, however they always seem to pick from the very lowest of intelligence to interview on the news. Gives Iowa a bad name.

Reminiscent of the Jeff Foxworthy joke: "If you've been on television more than 5 times describing what the tornado sounded like...." (which we always finished with "... you might be from IOWA.")

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I'm so glad I moved away from Iowa. Iowa has one of the highest rated educational systems in the United States, however they always seem to pick from the very lowest of intelligence to interview on the news. Gives Iowa a bad name.

Reminiscent of the Jeff Foxworthy joke: "If you've been on television more than 5 times describing what the tornado sounded like...." (which we always finished with "... you might be from IOWA.")

It's not just Iowa. They always pick the very lowest of intelligence to interview for news reports everywhere. It makes for good TV.

I'm afraid of what you probably think of the average Louisianan, especially if you've been watching the History and Discovery channel... seems like we have about 10 reality tv shows about our state right now... all with redneck and swamp themes. We don't all live in the swamp ;)

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Because everyone knows that UFO's only land in the USA! Maybe it's because you're all so bat-**** crazy they know no one will believe you anyhow. :p

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How do they know it's an interdimensional-like alien and not a regular alien?

Was going to be my question.

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^ You haven't read much if you believe 'ufos' only hover over the USA. :laugh:

ovnis aterrizan mucho m?s en M?xico y no hay atenci?n de los tabloides, como mucha atenci?n a lo que es bastante normal

ufos are landing a lot more in mexico and there's not as much tabloid attention paid to it it's rather normal

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Its funny how the neighbor decided to talk about an alien and all of a sudden one is nearby. I think the neighbor is doing a good job and fooling some people.

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