Thor 2: The Dark World

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That's Heimdall, the all-seeing and all-hearing guardian of Asgard who stands on the rainbow bridge Bifrost. I'm going to assume that he'll be stationed at the point where the Bifrost was broken on Asgard. Or maybe he'll fight alongside Thor this time.

awww I thought He was a boss since he looks so badass!

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awww I thought He was a boss since he looks so badass!

Yeah, it looks that way :p Specially since he's standing in front of one of the villains.

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?This is a little Easter egg for folks,? says Craig Kyle. ?This is a Stone Man from Saturn. In the very first issue that Thor appeared in, Journey Into Mystery #83, he fought these guys. So we basically brought them back! For the boys who have been reading a long time or know this stuff, it?s icing on the cake.

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