Where were you on 9/11?

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I saw that "miracle survivor" it was called, might watch it proper later

It was good. Explained the physics behind how he survived and how he ended up on top of the collapsed building. And he also explained how they were watching the second plane crashing into the other building on the news and didnt hear/feel anything. How crazy is that.

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I was in high school at the time. I was in the auditorium where they were telling us not to do drugs. When I got back to class, the TV was on where I saw the smoke coming from the buildings, but they hadn't collapsed yet. I don't remember much else, other than by lunch time, I was fully aware of everything that happened.

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I was 15 years, skiving from school and watching the daytime airing of Neighbours in bed when it was interrupted by BBC News on the BBC.

I have never seen anything cause an emergency BBC News broadcast since that day 11 years ago.

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I was working at State Farm Insurance at the time... it was breakfast time I believe... or Lunch, because we were in the eating area. Everything paused for an hour or 2 while we all just watched what was unfolding on TV.

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still at school, in my final year.

My thoughts and sympathies go out to everyone who was victim of this terrible day

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I was in shop class. In my school we had a 5 minute bell that rang to let us know the period was ending. It rang at exaclty 9:11 AM. So, I first heard about the attacks after the equipment shut off at the 5 minute bell via the radio. 9:11 AM on 9/11. :ermm:

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High School French Class. They said it over the intercom, and then proceeded to roll a tv into the classroom. Needless to say, we didn't get much work done that day. I think I saw both buildings collaspe during that class but heard about the pentagon and pa crashes later on offically.

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I was at work when someone mentioned that a small plane had hit. Then the news came through that another plane had hit and they weren't small planes. After work, watched it all on TV.

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I was in school. They told us shortly after it started and sent us home due to being in range of Three Mile Island, and another atomic power plant. Military didn't take too long to get to and sit at the entrance of Three Mile entrance.

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I was at home at the time, playing midtownmadness on my pc.

BBC news was on the tv in the background I looked over and saw the 1st tower was on fire. and then saw the 2nd plane hit

and towers eventually fall :(

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I was sitting at my desk, answering phones for a production company manager. The owner of the company came in over the intercom and called a shop meeting, to halt all production (I'm talking about a thousand-people manufacturing company). Then they wheeled in a TV in the middle of the shop, as we all watched as the second plane hit...I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Then they announced that we had the option to either work all day, or go home to be with our loved ones. That shop cleared out faster than a tornado can destroy a house. Everybody went home, except for myself, the production manager, and the owner. (I had to stay and correct time cards for the ones that did not clock out before leaving) I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

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I was on my way to work listening to the radio as the first plane hit. I made it in time to the office lunch room to see the second plane hit. We had a perfect view of the Sears tower and we just knew it was going to get hit as well. Luckily; that didn't happen but it was a very sad day in the office. Not a day I'll ever forget.

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i was arriving from the college, had been talkin in IRC with some friends who's relatives worked in the WTC (didn't know back then); when i arrived home my father said that some accident happened, a plane crashed into a bulding... as it was unrraveling i was puzzled and in awe as the attack was unfolding, and just couldn't think of anything but "a terrorist atrack could happen in my country as easly as this one, as long somente prepares for it well enough and has the will to" - it was a scary thouth.

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I was 11, I remember that I was flipping channels to find something interesting to watch but was put off by the fact that every single channel showed the same news.

It took me a long while to understand the gravity of the situation :/

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was in Grade 7. Another teacher came into the room and told my teacher. He then in turn told us, I don't think any of us knew what the World Trade Centers were, all we understood was that a plane hit a building.

Went home for lunch and my Dad had CNN on which was showing the replays of the planes hitting. I wasn't really phased by it, I mean I found it more interesting the next couple days where there was no planes in the sky.

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I came home from school and I went to the lounge to see what was on the TV, and it was the WTC on fire, it hadn't fallen at the time I noticed. I was younger so I didn't stay and watch, I just said something like 'Oh god..', and carried on doing what I was doing.

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21 at the time, was away at college in Hawaii. Due to the -3 hour time change, my dad called me close to 300am Hawaii time. He had to call 4 times before I woke up. Never heard fear in his voice before that day (he was a Vietnam vet, beat thyroid cancer, before losing to melanoma in 2008). Really shook me up because I had no chance of getting home.

My roommate and I turned on the TV and for the next 10 hours that's what we did. Oahu was shut down, military personnel had priority on the streets to get to the bases, school was cancelled. And I'll never forget driving home from downtown Honolulu a couple days later and seeing an airliner coming into the airport. Was a very strange feeling.

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