Getting echolife gateway IP

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So, if like me you've got BT's internet and have to use an echolife HG612 gateway and also run a server, you want your DNS to always be pointing to your IP even if it changes (Despite having a UPS, sometimes the line here drops for no reason and the IP changes).

So, I thought the ideal solution would be to just get the IP direct from the gateway itself! Now, I've reflashed my gateway to the stock echolife firmware so I have access to the web interface panel which this needs! Also note that it does some pretty lame output with the headers too. Anyway, this WILL need to be modified to work with your gateway I think, it works for mine with the specified WAN interface name!

Anyway, this in in PHP and uses CURL (I dislike CURL immensly but for some reason it wasn't liking my fsockopen and kept returning a piece of javascript code)

	   Echolife WAN IP Retriever
	   Version 0.5
	   Created by n_K, 2012
	   Modify and use this script how you please.
function DoCurl($URL, $POST = null, $Cookies = null)
		//Get a page using CURL.
		$curl = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $URL);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 6);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'EcholifeIPUpdater/0.5 (n_K)');
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
		if (!is_null($POST))
				curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
				if (strlen($POST) > 2)
						curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $POST);
				curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, false);
		if (!is_null($Cookies))
				curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $Cookies);

		$result = curl_exec($curl);
		return $result;

function CurlCookies($Data)
		//Extract cookies from received data. (MODIFIED FOR USE WITH ECHOLIFE ONLY!)
		$Matches = preg_split('/Set-cookie:(.*?);/', $Data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
		$i = 0;
		$Cookies = '';
		while ($i < count($Matches))
				if ($i%2 == 1)
						//Odd number-index!
						$Cookies .= $Matches[$i].'; ';
		$Cookies = substr($Cookies, 0, strlen($Cookies)-1);
		return $Cookies;

//Login to the modem as unpriviledged user and get the cookies
$Login = DoCurl(''./* PUT YOUR ECHOLIFE GATEWAY LOGIN USERNAME HERE */.'&Password='.rawurlencode(base64_encode(/* PUT YOUR ECHOLIFE GATEWAY PASSWORD HERE */)).'&Language=0&RequestFile=html/status/internetstatus.gz.html', 'a', 'Cookie=LoginTimes=0:LoginOverTime=0; FirstMenu=Admin_0; SecondMenu=Admin_0_0; ThirdMenu=Admin_0_0_0; sessionID=2222224564789011; Language=English');
$Cookies = CurlCookies($Login);

//Get the internet status page
$BigData = explode("\n", DoCurl('', null, $Cookies));
if (count($BigData) > 3)
		//Looks like we have some data to parse!
		foreach ($BigData as $ThisLine)
				if (substr($ThisLine, 0, 14) == 'var WanPPP2 = ')
						//We have it!
						$Data = $ThisLine;

		if (strlen($Data) > 5)
				//Got it!
				$Data = explode(',', explode('ptm1.101",', $Data)[1]);
						0 = connected/not
						1 = IP
						2 = DNS servers
						3 = ?
						4 = ?
				if ($Data[0] == '"Connected"')
						//Yay! We've got the IP!
						$IP = substr($Data[1], 1, (strlen($Data[1])-2));
						if (preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $IP, $BB) > 0)
								//IP is in right format too!

								//No valid IP found
						//Error, no connection!
				//Couldn't find WAN interface
		//No data returned

So there you go, maybe it'll be of use to someone!

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"So, I thought the ideal solution would be to just get the IP direct from the gateway itself!"

Why is that? Why can you not just hit the update page of your dynamic dns provider from your server and have it use your source IP. This seems much more robust a solution than access your routers status page. And then you have to put in your code anyway to update your dyndns provider


Seems lot of extra steps when you could just hit the provider page and have it use the source IP your coming from as your update - this is how most of them work.

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The servers have static IPs addressed as 192.168.1.x, and yes I could hit sites likes and use them but there's no guarantee they're right, plus they might change the page layout/system like which now has an image to stop you using it to get your IP in scripts.

Plus I don't have a dynamic IP providers, I've got 2 domains with DNS control on 123-reg (which was also a complete pain to get working via CLI).

And the last reason is that I've got multiple WAN connections, so the server that runs this script has internet out a different IP and interface than what the gateway is on so the IPs wouldn't be right anyway.

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Who said anything about using whatmyip?

So your dns is hosted on 123 reg? I don't see anything on their site about adjustment of TTLs -- so even if your IP changes, what is the TTL if its anything more than a say a few minutes. Your server is going to be down for quite some time any any sort of IP change on your end. Not a optimal sort of setup at all, I would host your dns from a site that provides for dynamic updates and low ttls on the records.

No **** your servers behind your router are most likely going to have private ips -- if they were public it would be very unlikely that you were on a dynamic IP in the first place.

"so the server that runs this script has internet out a different IP and interface than what the gateway is on so the IPs wouldn't be right anyway."

Well that seems again like a pretty messed up way to do it ;) Why not just run the script on the server itself, or route the traffic to your update so it goes out the connection your servers would be accepting traffic on.

A simple http string quite often can update the IP that changes -- so for example on zoneedit with wget

wget -O - --http-user=username --http-passwd=password ''

There you go your IP is updated using the source IP you came from - run this on the server your wanting to point to, and shazam your IP would be updated. This looks a lot simpler than your convoluted method to me.

Also any dns provider that supports dynamic updates would most likely have a client you could just run on the service. zoneedit for example has clients that run on windows, linux and mac. Also have cross platform support with java, perl and python.

Seems to me your wasting a lot of time reinventing the wheel without spending a couple of minutes looking to see how it can be done easier, faster and better.

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Signing up to a dyndns service would mean I'd have to move my domains and pay extra (dyndns charge more than static DNS providers).

123-reg does it pretty secure, i.e. it's SSL ONLY and it's all ajax so you've got to go through a lot of tosh to get various pieces of information you need to change things.

Short TTL is crap anyway, get a short TTL and suddenly everywhere stops accepting your emails. Although 123-reg has TTL of 24 hours I've found if I clear my DNS cache it and retry it'll update without 10 minutes.

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OK just a random problem that I found out about earlier, the refurbished PC we got had it's network card set to jumbo packets and I was wondering why hotmail just refused to load and only some pieces of data came through, very slowly, not sure if it's a hotmail issue or an issue with this modem or what but disabling jumbo frames fixed it completely, so just a warning to people :)

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