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C# Excel Add-in HELP!


On my Form, this array is built then is sent to ThisAddin.cs

var inserts = new List<string> {mFunction, mColor, Convert.ToString(mQty), mFauc, Convert.ToString(mPrice)};



and here is where hell starts

public static void ExcelInsert(string mInsert)
var range = this.Application.ActiveCell() as Excel.Range;
catch (Exception)

I know you can't use the first line in a static method, but honestly I cant wrap my head around an alternative.

I just want it so that at active cell in Excel it inserts that array into the range.


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5 answers to this question

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The ExcelInsert method could take the Excel.Range object as a parameter. The form has access to the Application object so it can get the ActiveCell() and pass it.

Also ToString() is a method that returns a string representation of the object and never takes a parameter. I'm quite sure that's not how you set the value of cells. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb978779(v=office.12).aspx#DevGuideExcel2007RangeObject_InsertingValuesintoaRange

By the way there are a few anti-patterns in this method:

- Don't catch System.Exception

- Don't use empty catch clauses that just rethrow the exception - that achieves nothing except resetting the stack trace, making debugging harder

- Don't use "as" to cast if you're expecting the cast to always succeed - use a regular cast instead (i.e. (Excel.Range)Application.ActiveCell())

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Yeah I know about the catch, I have Resharper and it adds that in automatically.

Can you explain the Method a bit more? The form does have access to the application object but anything further I cannot access.


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Can you explain the Method a bit more? The form does have access to the application object but anything further I cannot access.
I don't know how to put it more plainly, so here's some code:

From the form:

ThisAddIn.ExcelInsert(inserts.ToString(), Application);[/CODE]

ExcelInsert becomes:

public static void ExcelInsert(string insert, Application application)
var range = application.ActiveCell;
// do whatever you want with range

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I don't know how to put it more plainly, so here's some code:

From the form:

ThisAddIn.ExcelInsert(inserts.ToString(), Application);[/CODE]

ExcelInsert becomes:

public static void ExcelInsert(string insert, Application application)
var range = application.ActiveCell;
// do whatever you want with range

Okay so the ExcelInsert works (thanks for clearing that up). But now it says Interface not valid at this point on the form.

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