Wash Your Hands

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A boy comes home from school at 7pm, His dad says "Where were you??

"I was with Jessica." He replied.

"What were you doing?" asked his dad.

"We were studying."

After picking a snack off the table the son says "These fishcakes are lovely."

His dad replies "Wash your hands son; they're donuts."

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Yuk, fish donuts. Crazy Americans, what will you come up with next? :/

It wasn't the donuts that smelled of fish...

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So he fisted the girl, right?


umm... No she just had very smelly crotch that smelled like fish.

Bacterial Vaginosis:

Bacterial vaginosis is due to an overgrowth of several natural vaginal bacteria. The usual symptom is an increased amount of vaginal discharge with a strong fishy odor that is stronger during menstrual period or after intercourse. The discharge is thin and dark or dull gray. Bacterial vaginosis may or may not cause itching depending on the amount of discharge. Bacteria vaginosis is treated with antibiotics that can be taken by mouth or applied to the vagina as a gel. Bacterial vaginosis often recurs. It may require repeated treatment. When bacterial vaginosis is recurrent, it may indicate that an STD is present and further testing should be done.

Risks of contracting vaginitis can be reduced by the following:

  1. Do not use feminine hygiene sprays or scented, deodorant tampons.
  2. Do not cover up a bad odor. It could be a sign of infection that should prompt you to see your doctor.
  3. Do not douche. It is better to let the vagina cleanse itself.
  4. Thoroughly clean diaphragms, cervical caps, and spermicide applicators after each use.
  5. Use condoms during sex.
  6. Check with your doctor about preventing yeast infections if you are prescribed antibiotics for another type of infection.

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Yuk, fish donuts. Crazy Americans, what will you come up with next?

Seriously, some of the kids here make complete fools out of themselves! And how "fisting" can be a conclusion, just boggles the mind!

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