What should I Vlog about?

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My wife watches this girl Graveyard Girl or whatever. She has lengthy retarded vlogs about pretty much anything she can think of and she's super fricken popular. I just don't get it lol. Check her out on YouTube may give you some inspiration.

Edit: A link, I'll warn you, she's a bit strange and can be uber annoying at times, just my opinion, my wife loves her.


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My wife watches this girl Graveyard Girl or whatever. She has lengthy retarded vlogs about pretty much anything she can think of and she's super fricken popular. I just don't get it lol. Check her out on YouTube may give you some inspiration.

Edit: A link, I'll warn you, she's a bit strange and can be uber annoying at times, just my opinion, my wife loves her.


Haha thanks for that!

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Something you're passionate about. That way you have the motivation to constantly make a new entry, future fans of your vlog will notice and appreciate it and that will build your fan base. What in the tech space/any space do you enjoy and/or knowledgeable about? I'd do one of gaming/psychology/sports if I personally blogged/vlogged. Here to help.

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You're thinking of this the wrong way round.

Content should always come before the decision to do something.

If you haven't already got a decent idea of what to vlog about then you shouldn't really be thinking about vlogging at all.

Of course this is not to say you'll never have something to Vlog about.

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I've got to say that I agree with the thought that you need an idea before deciding how to present the idea. I mean, if you were to take remixedcat's idea of discussing socks, you'd be better off with a blog than a vlog. With that said, let us know when you've decided on something so that we can tune in to watch.

Note: I'm right in assuming that a vlog is a blog using video, right? Like a Youtube channel?

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