Watch The IGDA

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I hate to expose you good, decent folk to FOX news, but I think it is worth watching:

We?ve had video games blamed for all sort of things for years, but in the wake of the recent Newtown tragedy, it?s gone farther than it usually has. Enter Daniel Greenberg, the IGDA?s chairman for the Committee on Anti-Censorship and Social Issues. He?s been doing the rounds, exposing sensationalist reporters to those wonderful things called facts.
As people start to ask serious questions about gun control and mental health, the NRA has attempted to deflect blame onto video games, which has given the usual pundits more momentum. Vice President Joe Biden met with representatives of the industry earlier to discuss the issue. While not at that meeting, Daniel Greenberg, on behalf of the International Game Developers Association, wrote an open letter to Joe Biden.
Appearing on Fox News? Your World with Neil Cavuto, Greenberg coolly explains why video games are no threat to society, and why as an industry, we don?t feel threatened by another study into the matter.

Greenberg?s main line is that we want more science, not less. More studies to add to the several already done that show there is no causal link between video games and violence. But he asks that any such study also look into the potential benefits of violent video games, because they can act as an outlet for aggression. A de-stressing activity.
After all, if a study is only looking for negatives, isn?t that study inherently biased? You can also watch Greenberg for a lengthy spell on Fox Business here, and he briefly appears on MSNBC here. It?s encouraging to see gaming so well defended as people search for an easy target. We?ve certainly had years of practice.


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