Run a VBS on another computer ?

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I have a TMG 2010 server running server 2008 r2 that I was administrating using the tmg console and some vbs scripts.

After upgrading everything else to server 2012 I switched to using server manager to manage the entire server infrastructure from a Windows 8 enterprise computer. The TMG console can run on windows 8 but the vbscript that I use to update the block list needs to be run on the tmg server.

Can anyone experienced with vbscript suggest a way to modify the script below so it connects to the tmg server or a way to invoke the script on the server from the client computer ?

cscript " ISA_Fill_URL_Set.vbs" "name of urlset" "Blacklist.txt"

' Script Name: ISA_Fill_URL_Set.vbs
' Version: 1.3
' Author: Jason Fossen ( )
'Last Updated: 10.Jun.2008
' Purpose: Automatically update an ISA Server URL Set with URLs; for example,
' these could be URLs of spammers, pornographers, hacking sites, etc.
' Arguments: First arg is name of URL Set, in double-quotes if necessary. The
' second arg is the HTTP URL, local full path, or file name (if in same
' folder as script) of a text file containing the URL data. This file,
' if it contains comments, must use #-marks or semicolons to denote comments.
' Each line must be just one URL.
' This script is compatible with the lists at and
' with other similarly-formatted lists of URLs. The file with URLs can
' use either Windows-style or UNIX-style newlines, both work fine.
' Note: The fastest way to see that the URL Set had been filled correctly
' is to close and open the ISA MMC console again, not by refreshing.
' Works on both ISA Standard and Enterprise editions.
' Thanks to Alexander Willacker for the /*pendstar switches!
' Legal: Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved.
' USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Test on non-production servers first!
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
ReDim aURLsArray(0) 'Array of URLs to be added to the URL Set.
Dim sUrlSetName 'Name of URL Set to be created and/or updated.
Dim bUseLocalURLsFile 'If true, use local file. If false, get URLs from http URL.
Dim sURLsFilePath 'An HTTP URL or a local filesystem path to a file of URLs.
Dim oFPC 'See MakeIsaObjects()
Dim oIsaArray 'See MakeIsaObjects()
Dim bAppendStar : bAppendStar = False 'Assume that a trailing asterisk should not be added.
Dim bPrependStar : bPrependStar = False 'Assume that a leading asterisk & dot should not be added.
Dim oFileSystem : Set oFileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems creating the FileSystemObject.")
' Main()
Call ProcessCommandLineArguments()
Call CreateIsaObjects()
Call MakeArrayOfURLs()
Call CreateUrlSet()
Call EmptyTheUrlSet()
Call CreateNewURLs()

' Procedures

Sub ProcessCommandLineArguments()
On Error Resume Next
' First arg...
sUrlSetName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim sArg : sArg = LCase(sUrlSetName)
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) Or (WScript.Arguments.Count > 4) Or (sArg = "/?")_
Or (sArg = "-?") Or (sArg = "/h") Or (sArg = "/help") Or (sArg = "--help") Then
Call ShowHelpAndQuit()
End If

' Second arg...
sURLsFilePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)

If InStr(LCase(sURLsFilePath), "http://") = 0 Then
bUseLocalURLsFile = True 'Use a local text file.
bUseLocalURLsFile = False 'Use an http URL.
End If

' Check to see whether a trailing asterisk should be added if not already present.
For Each sArg In WScript.Arguments
If LCase(sArg) = "/appendstar" Then bAppendStar = True
' Check to see whether a leading asterisk should be added if not already present.
For Each sArg In WScript.Arguments
If LCase(sArg) = "/prependstar" Then bPrependStar = True
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub CreateIsaObjects()
'This sub is just a placeholder for something to add later on...
Set oFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
Set oIsaArray = oFPC.GetContainingArray
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems connecting to ISA Server or ISA Array.")
End Sub
Sub MakeArrayOfURLs()
If bUseLocalURLsFile Then
If Not ParseInputFile(sURLsFilePath, aURLsArray) Then
Err.Raise -1
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems reading the local URLs file: " & sURLsFilePath)
End If
Else 'Get the URLs file from the http URL...
Dim sUrlText : sUrlText = HttpGetText(sURLsFilePath)
If InStr(sUrlText, "GET-Error!") <> 0 Then ' "GET-Error!" would be returned by HttpGetText() function, not the web server.
Err.Raise -1
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems getting URLs file from " & sUrlToURLsFile)
End If

If oFileSystem.FileExists("URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt") Then
oFileSystem.DeleteFile "URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt", True 'Delete prior URLs file, if it exists.
End If

If Not AppendToFile(sUrlText, "URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt") Then
Err.Raise -1
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems writing to the URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt file.")
End If

If Not ParseInputFile("URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt", aURLsArray) Then
Err.Raise -1
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems reading file: URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt")
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub CreateUrlSet()
On Error Resume Next
Dim cUrlSets 'FPCUrlSets collection.
Dim oUrlSet 'FPCUrlSet object.

'Set oFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
'Set oIsaArray = oFPC.GetContainingArray
Set cUrlSets = oIsaArray.RuleElements.UrlSets

Set oUrlSet = cUrlSets.Add(sUrlSetName)

If Err.Number = -2147024713 Then
Err.Clear 'Already exists, so ignore error.
End If
Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems recreating URL Set named " & sUrlSetName)
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub EmptyTheUrlSet()
'Note: Clear the URL Set instead of deleting it because it may be used in rules already.
Dim cUrlSets 'FPCUrlSets collection.
Dim cUrlSet 'FPCUrlSet collection.
Dim sURL

'Set oFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
'Set oIsaArray = oFPC.GetContainingArray
Set cUrlSet = oIsaArray.RuleElements.UrlSets.Item(sUrlSetName)

For Each sURL In cUrlSet

Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems emptying URL Set named " & sUrlSetName)
End Sub

Sub CreateNewURLs()
On Error Resume Next
Dim cURLs 'FPCURLSets collection.
Dim oURL 'FPCURL object.
Dim cUrlSet 'FPCUrlSet collection.
Dim cUrlSets 'FPCUrlSets collection.
Dim sIPaddress, sMask, sURL, sURLName, sLeftChar

Set cUrlSet = oIsaArray.RuleElements.UrlSets.Item(sUrlSetName)
For Each sURL In aURLsArray
If Len(sURL) <> 0 Then
sLeftChar = Left(sURL,1)
If (sLeftChar <> "#") And (sLeftChar <> ";") And (sLeftChar <> "<") Then

If bAppendStar Then
'It might seem strange, but appending an asterisk to the end seems not to interfere with any
'other matching, and is probably the behavior most admins want anyway. It even works fine
'when you get entries like "*" and "*".

sURL = sURL & "*" 'Append an asterisk to the end.
sURL = Replace(sURL, "**", "*") 'Correct if last char was already an asterisk.
End If


If Err.Number = -2147024713 Then Err.Clear 'URL already added, so ignore error.
'WScript.Echo sURL & " was added." 'For debugging...

If bPrependStar Then
'Blocking will not block and vice versa. So every Domain
'should be added as * and

sURL = "*." & sURL 'Preppend an asterisk & dot at the beginning.
sURL = Replace(sURL, "*.*.", "*.") 'Correct if first chars were already an asterisk & dot.

If Err.Number = -2147024713 Then Err.Clear 'URL already added, so ignore error.
'WScript.Echo sURL & " was added." 'For debugging...
End If
End If
End If

Call CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit("Problems creating new URL objects in " & sUrlSetName)
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub CatchAnyErrorsAndQuit(sMessage)
Dim oStdErr
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set oStdErr = WScript.StdErr 'Write to standard error stream.
oStdErr.WriteLine vbCrLf
oStdErr.WriteLine ">>>>>> ERROR: " & sMessage
oStdErr.WriteLine "Error Number: " & Err.Number
oStdErr.WriteLine " Description: " & Err.Description
oStdErr.WriteLine "Error Source: " & Err.Source
oStdErr.WriteLine " Script Name: " & WScript.ScriptName
oStdErr.WriteLine vbCrLf
WScript.Quit Err.Number
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowHelpAndQuit()
Dim sUsage : sUsage = vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "ISA_FILL_URL_SET.VBS UrlSetName FilePath [/appendstar] [/prependstar]" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "Creates or updates an ISA Server URL Set (`UrlSet`)" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "with the URLs from a text file (`FilePath`) obtained from" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "either an HTTP URL or a local filesystem path." & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " UrlSet Name of URL Set to be created or" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " updated with URL entries. " & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " FilePath A full HTTP URL or local filesystem path" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " to a text file containing URLs. All" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " comments must start with # or ;. Examples" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " might be `filename.txt`, `c:\filename.txt`," & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " or ``." & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " /appendstar Optional. Will automatically append an asterisk" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " to every URL imported (which is probably what" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " you want). Don't worry, this doesn't break" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " URL matching when no path, or a full path, is" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " specified in the URL, e.g.,* and" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "* still match fine." & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " /prependstar Optional. Will automatically prepend an asterisk & dot" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & " to every URL imported. (e.g. Blocking will" & vbcrlf
sUsage = sUsage & " not block and vice versa. So every Domain" & vbcrlf
sUsage = sUsage & " will be added as * and" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "Note that all URLs defined in the URL Set are deleted" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "prior to importing the URLs from the text file. If necessary," & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "the URL Set object will be created first. Place double-quotes" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "around the UrlSet and FilePath arguments if they contain" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "any space characters. When providing an HTTP URL, the downloaded" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "file will be saved as 'URLs-downloaded-from-url.txt` in the " & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "same folder as the script; it will be overwritten whenever a URL" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "path is used again." & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & "Public domain. No rights reserved. SCRIPT PROVIDED ""AS IS"" WITHOUT WARRANTIES" & vbCrLf
sUsage = sUsage & vbCrLf
WScript.Echo sUsage
End Sub

' Functions
Function IsIpAddress(sInput)
'Regular expression would be more accurate, but slower...quick-n-dirty will do since
'having a "*.dottedIPaddress" URL doesn't break anything if an IP address sneaks by...

IsIpAddress = False

Dim sEnd
sInput = LCase(sInput)
sEnd = Right(sInput,1) 'This will catch 98% of cases, so it's faster than RegEx.
If (sEnd = "m") Or (sEnd = "u") Or (sEnd = "l") Or (sEnd = "v") Or (sEnd = "g")_
Or (sEnd = "t") Or (sEnd = "z") Or (sEnd = "o") Or (sEnd = "e") Or (sEnd = "s")_
Or (sEnd = "r") Or (sEnd = "n") Or (sEnd = "c") Or (sEnd = "k") Or (sEnd = "e") Then Exit Function
Dim aArray, x
aArray = Split(sInput,".")
If UBound(aArray) <> 3 Then Exit Function

If Not (IsNumeric(aArray(0)) And IsNumeric(aArray(1)) And IsNumeric(aArray(2)) And IsNumeric(aArray(3))) Then Exit Function

IsIpAddress = True
End Function

Function HttpGetText(sURL)
On Error Resume Next

If Not IsObject(oHTTP) Then Dim oHTTP : Set oHTTP = WScript.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
oHTTP.Open "GET", sURL, False 'False = Script waits until the full HTTP response is received.
oHTTP.Send 'Send the HTTP command as defined with the Open method.

If Err.Number = 0 Then
HttpGetText = oHTTP.ResponseText
HttpGetText = Replace(HttpGetText, vbLf, vbCrLf) 'Flip UNIX new lines to DOS, if necessary.
HttpGetText = "GET-Error! Error Number: " & Err.Number
End If
End Function
' Script Name: Parse_Input_File.vbs
' Version: 1.1
' Author: Jason Fossen
'Last Updated: 29.Mar.2004
' Purpose: Sorts lines of a text file into an array.
' Usage: Function returns true if no problems, false otherwise. Pass global
' variable of an array into second argument of function; this will be
' resized and populated with lines from text file. Blank and empty
' trailing lines from file, if any, are excluded from the array. The
' array global variable must be declared with "ReDim", not just "Dim".
' The file can be passed in with full path or just the file name if
' the file is in the same folder as the script.
' Note: You must declare the global array variable with "ReDim" before
' passing it into the function; make it of size one because it
' will be ReDim-ed without preservation again anyway.
' Legal: Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved.
' Use at your own risk. Do not run on networks for which you do not
' have prior written permission to do so. Script provided "AS IS".

Function ParseInputFile(ByVal sFile, ByRef aArray)
On Error Resume Next
Const ForReading = 1
Const OpenUsingDefault = -2
Dim sCurrentFolder, oFileSystem, oInputFile, i, iCurrentSize
Dim iPreserveCounter, oFile, oTextStream, iLineCount, sLine

'Expand environmental variables, if any.
If InStr(sFile, "%") <> 0 Then
If Not IsObject(oWshShell) Then Set oWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sFile = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sFile)
End If

'Assume input file is in current folder if a full path is not given.
If InStr(sFile, "\") = 0 Then
sCurrentFolder = WScript.ScriptFullName
sCurrentFolder = Left(sCurrentFolder, InstrRev(sCurrentFolder, "\"))
sFile = sCurrentFolder & sFile
End If

'Verify that file exists and is readable, return false if not.
If Not IsObject(oFileSystem) Then Set oFileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sFile)
Set oTextStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, OpenUsingDefault)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'WScript.Echo "Problem opening " & sFile & " (" & Err.Description & ")"
ParseInputFile = False
Exit Function
End If

'Count the number of lines in file, not including an empty line at the very end (if present).
iLineCount = 0
Do While Not oTextStream.AtEndOfStream
iLineCount = iLineCount + 1

'ReDim the array to be equal to expected size of the input from file.
If iLineCount <> 0 Then
ReDim aArray(iLineCount - 1)
Set oTextStream = Nothing
Else 'The input file was empty!
ReDim aArray(0)
'aArray(0) = "" 'Assign default here if desired.
Set oTextStream = Nothing
Set oFile = Nothing
Set oFileSystem = Nothing
If Err.Number = 0 Then
ParseInputFile = True
ParseInputFile = False
End If
Exit Function
End If

'Read each line of file into an element of the array, excluding blank lines.
Set oTextStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, OpenUsingDefault)
i = 0
iPreserveCounter = 0
Do While Not oTextStream.AtEndOfStream
sLine = Trim(oTextStream.ReadLine) 'Note the trimming here.
If Len(sLine) <> 0 Then
aArray(i) = sLine
i = i + 1
iPreserveCounter = iPreserveCounter + 1 'Keep track of blank lines.
End If
Set oTextStream = Nothing

'If there were blank lines in the file, trim the array of empty elements.
If iPreserveCounter <> 0 Then
iCurrentSize = UBound(aArray)
ReDim Preserve aArray(iCurrentSize - iPreserveCounter)
End If
Set oFile = Nothing
Set oFileSystem = Nothing

If Err.Number = 0 Then
ParseInputFile = True
ParseInputFile = False
End If
End Function
' Script Name: Append_To_File.vbs
' Version: 1.3
' Author: Jason Fossen
'Last Updated: 28.Jul.2004
' Purpose: Function to append line(s) to the end of a text file.
' If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the full
' path to the file is not supplied, it is assumed to be in the
' same folder as the script. Function returns true if no
' errors, false otherwise.
' Notes: Because this function would repeatedly open and close the file,
' this function is not appropriate for writing many lines to a single
' file one line at a time. Many megs of text can be appended in one shot.
' Legal: Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved.

Function AppendToFile(sData, sFile)
On Error Resume Next
Const ForAppending = 8 'Request NTFS appending permission.
Const ForOverWriting = 2 'Request NTFS writing permission.
Const ForReading = 1 'Request NTFS read permission.
Const OpenAsASCII = 0 'ASCII text format.
Const OpenAsUnicode = -1 'Unicode text format.
Const OpenUsingDefault = -2 'ASCII is default for FAT32, Unicode default for NTFS.

Dim sCurrentFolder, oTextStream

'Create FileSystemObject if it doesn't exist yet.
If Not IsObject(oFileSystem) Then Set oFileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Expand any environmental variables to their full paths.
If InStr(sFile, "%") <> 0 Then
If Not IsObject(oWshShell) Then Set oWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sFile = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sFile)
End If

'Use current folder of script for output file path, if not path is given.
If InStr(sFile, "\") = 0 Then
sCurrentFolder = WScript.ScriptFullName
sCurrentFolder = Left(sCurrentFolder, InstrRev(sCurrentFolder, "\"))
sFile = sCurrentFolder & sFile
End If

'Get output file if it exists, or create one if it doesn't.
If Not oFileSystem.FileExists(sFile) Then
Set oTextStream = oFileSystem.CreateTextFile(sFile)
Set oFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sFile)
Set oTextStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending, OpenUsingDefault)
End If

'Must write data to a new line, so check the column number first.
If oTextStream.Column = 1 Then
End If

If Err.Number = 0 Then
AppendToFile = True
AppendToFile = False
End If
End Function
'END OF SCRIPT************************************************************************


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Can't your rdp to the computer and run the script? Something must trigger the script on the server. Perhaps you can create a scheduled task that would execute the script once a day or once every 15 min.

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Thanks for the help ive made a scheduled task every 15 minutes but rather than rdp in to update.

Option Explicit
Dim objWMIService, objProcess, objCalc
Dim strShell, objProgram, strComputer, strExe
strComputer = ""
strExe = "cscript.exe 'C:\UpdateTMG.vbs' 'test' 'C:\Blacklist.txt'"
' Connect to WMI
set objWMIService = getobject("winmgmts://"_
& strComputer & "/root/cimv2")
' Obtain the Win32_Process class of object.
Set objProcess = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Process")
Set objProgram = objProcess.Methods_( _
objProgram.CommandLine = strExe
'Execute the program now at the command line.
Set strShell = objWMIService.ExecMethod( _
"Win32_Process", "Create", objProgram)
WScript.echo "Created: " & strExe & " on " & strComputer

Its fine for strExe = "calc.exe" and is executed under my admin account but I think I messed up something with the arguments or its an elevation issue but the urlset isn't being made paths are correct too ?

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Ok solved this after some messing around in the dark.

I created the script

Option Explicit
Dim objWMIService, objProcess, objCalc
Dim strShell, objProgram, strComputer, strExe
strComputer = ""
strExe = "cscript.exe C:\Windows\UpdateTMG.vbs CustomBlacklist C:\Windows\Blacklist.txt"
' Connect to WMI
set objWMIService = getobject("winmgmts://"_
& strComputer & "/root/cimv2")
' Obtain the Win32_Process class of object.
Set objProcess = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Process")
Set objProgram = objProcess.Methods_( _
objProgram.CommandLine = strExe
'Execute the program now at the command line.
Set strShell = objWMIService.ExecMethod( _
"Win32_Process", "Create", objProgram)
WScript.echo "Created: " & strExe & " on " & strComputer


And on the client I just created two shortcuts to the blacklist and the script above using its c$ share, Works fine now.

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