Gaming moments that scared you

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- Amnesia and the Penumbra Series (The whole game is scary!)

- Horror House 2 (The ending was kinda meh...great game all around)

- Dead Space 2 (That part in the nursery is messed up)

Outlast looks scary. I'm going to have to do more research when I get home.

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Crysis. But not because of the game itself. I had been playing another game not long before with my Xbox 360 controller and had left it plugged in even though I was going to use my keyboard and mouse.

When Crysis kicked off the desk started shaking however I didn't realise consciously and couldn't figure out why it was so much scarier than usual. The Xbox 360 controller had force feedback turned on and was responding to the soundtrack.


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the end part of Halflife 2,that reactor, it's height scared the daylights out of me. my muscles were tense and I took my time.

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Post games that are non horror but freaked you out of your jimmies.

This boss fight right here

O HELL NAW, WUT U KNOW 'BOUT DAT VECTORMAN 2 SON?! Hahahah, can't believe you posted The Shadow. Loved that boss fight. And man, the music for this game was epic!

Anyway, I know you said non-horror, but it's kind of in-between. The zombie squirrels and teddy bears from Conker's Bad Fur Day rustled my jimmies a bit. I don't like being chased, and I can't stand being chased by smaller things especially. I think bad controls are often what scare me though.

Also, heights. Some of the jumping puzzles on Guild Wars 2 screw with my head and make me want to quit, especially when I'm trying to follow someone just so that I can help them kill a boss that's back there. I'm a great platformer, as I used to do all sorts of trick jumps back in the day, but heights aren't my thing. ><

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Hmm, I would have to say the most recent non-horror scared was in dishonored. I had just done a tonne of sneaking, and was near a bunch of people so I was scared that I would be seen. I heard foot steps and freaked out, killed the person only to find it was a person I didn't want to die.

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Playing TES IV: Oblivion, was in the dungeon that you get Mehrunes Razor (believe that is the name).. guy in the coffin behind me after I ignored him got up, stood behind me. I only turned around to see him staring at me because I heard footsteps.

Creepy as hell.

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