would you consider the internet a security risk?

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I remember before there was an internet that, security was a back burner issue. the only viruses that were propagating were on pirated copies of games etc on small floppies or 5.25 floppies. (getting an idea of my age?)

There were no cd-rom drives.. the only networks I can recall were private Bulletin Board systems.

Seems to me that the internet IS the security risk. it is freely available, it is everywhere, everyone is on it for the most part. I'd say the internet is the security problem.

Steve wozniak I think once stated (roughly) that computers weren't first designed with security in mind.

so now we are playing catch up.

can anyone clue me in on this?

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I might be as old as you, I do remember those 'stoned' viruses, though I cannot back my post up with any facts, just opinion and speculation, I'd say on the whole, yes, it is.

Purely because there are so many ways online that you can have your identity (credit cards etc..) stolen, weak passwords and so on. Yes there are some who would say 'that's your own fault' but then ask, youeself, why is it neccessary? People that spend all their time writing scripts or guessing every word they can think of to try and break into your (insert medium here)

So yes it is a risk IMO purely because there are people out there that have nothing better to do than ruin what is a useful tool for everyone else.

Sorry if I'm off topic, I may have strayed.

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I might be as old as you, I do remember those 'stoned' viruses, though I cannot back my post up with any facts, just opinion and speculation, I'd say on the whole, yes, it is.

Purely because there are so many ways online that you can have your identity (credit cards etc..) stolen, weak passwords and so on. Yes there are some who would say 'that's your own fault' but then ask, youeself, why is it neccessary? People that spend all their time writing scripts or guessing every word they can think of to try and break into your (insert medium here)

So yes it is a risk IMO purely because there are people out there that have nothing better to do than ruin what is a useful tool for everyone else.

Sorry if I'm off topic, I may have strayed.

naw you're good. Excellent post. times have sure changed.. LOL :D. I guess a good question to add would be.. how could they have designed PC's with security in mind? I'd think we'd need some OEM to design one from scratch that addresses security issues. maybe an on mainboard security feature?????

speaking on security.. just for laughs.. I found this on youtube.. LOL oh man...


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I'd bet, those of you on neowin could design a PC like Wozniak did, but addresses security. wait, neowin designing Laptops and PC's? hell yeah, I'd buy one!

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