Boys Build 50-Foot-Long Backyard Roller Coaster

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What happens when you mix a group of bored, teenage boys, a challenging bet and a $50 budget?

For Austin Twede and Porter Harding, both 19 from Idaho Falls, Idaho, you wind up with a fully-functional 50-foot-long backyard roller coaster.

The original idea was the brainchild of Harding's mom, Lisa Harding, who bet the self-proclaimed "adrenaline junkies" they couldn't build a roller coaster in the backyard this past August for less than $50.

"Within 30 minutes we had rough plans written down on paper, thinking how much we could do with a $50 limit," Twede told "We figured it could be about 50 feet long and 10 feet high."



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I was imagining something more sophisticated. That is more of one of those big carnival slides with tracks.


Its pretty cool nevertheless

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Yeah, but then again isn't that all a real rollercoaster is? Only larger and longer with more altitude, weight, and a low-friction guide system which gives it a higher velocity. Maybe I'm just over-simplifying real rollercoasters though, no disrespect to all those engineers, hana.


that's more like a cart on a slide though given the constraints

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I'll be surprised if the city government doesn't shut them down. :laugh:


Land of the Free ...

They'll say it violates some structure height ordinance or makes a loud sound violating a sound ordinance. :no:

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