Can kissing cause STD?

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Yes, you can catch herpes just from kissing someone on the mouth. And while experts believe the risk of catching HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) from kissing is low, someone who has a cut or sore in the mouth has a chance of infection during open-mouthed kissing.


The tricky thing about STDs is that you can't always see if someone has one. Even when you don't see signs of an STD, an infected person can pass the infection along.


STDs can be transmitted through all types of sex, including oral sex. Mouth-to-genital contact can spread many STDs, including HIV, both from giving and receiving oral sex. So guys receiving oral sex should use a condom and girls receiving oral sex should use a dental dam. And anyone who has had sex should be tested for STDs.

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kissing like putting tongue inside her mouth and not just lips?


if it is only mouth, they you can only get herpes, and only if the other person has an outbreak (a sore present, in a young person it will be visible around the lips)


otherwise you are good.



ps. your best bet is to google the question and look for answers on a medical website... this is mostly a tech forum, so only a small number of people here will be able to answer.

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kissing like putting tongue inside her mouth and not just lips?


if you're that concerned with it, get a bloodtest done. Tell her to get one as well, if she refuses to get one done, there's something she's not telling you.


Nobody is worth risking your health, and possibly your life.

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if it is only mouth, they you can only get herpes, and only if the other person has an outbreak (a sore present, in a young person it will be visible around the lips)


otherwise you are good.



ps. your best bet is to google the question and look for answers on a medical website... this is mostly a tech forum, so only a small number of people here will be able to answer.

Aren't Herpes transmitted during the window prior to the bumps appearing. They open sores are not able to transmit.

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I thought Neowinians were professional too... may be a little bit? :D :p


hmmm...not sure if serious....


It's your life, mess it up live it the way you want.  Any STD is no laughing matter for you or any partners.  If you are infected with herpes you are forever.   Gonorrhea can, if left untreated, result in becoming sterile and some strains are very resistant to treatment.  Syphilis can be contracted and you may not even show immediate symptoms.  Caution is the rule and if in doubt see your doctor.

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Mononucleosis can be considered an STD - and kissing is, in fact, the PRIMARY means of passing it (hence the slang term for it - "the kissing disease"), as is the case with herpes simplex (the one most common in the mouth - the other common method of passing it on is, of course, oral sex).

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kissing like putting tongue inside her mouth and not just lips?


You can catch a whole bouquet of STDs if her mouth has recently been in contact with genitals of someone else with STDs.

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Aren't Herpes transmitted during the window prior to the bumps appearing. They open sores are not able to transmit.

To lower your risk when kissing, do a quick visual ?inspection? of the other person?s lips.  Most cold sores are fairly obvious. (quote from medical site)

Most risky time is when the sores just appear, so you can avoid getting it, if you are careful.



You can definitely avoid it, if you are careful.

You can catch a whole bouquet of STDs if her mouth has recently been in contact with genitals of someone else with STDs.


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Well, yes, if one thought about kissing someone with various std's on their mouth, and ready to burst, or burst blisters, and you were to kiss them anyways, with tongue action.

even more so if you were to decide to lick said blisters, but in that case, I would recommend the men in white coats pay you a visit

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You can catch a whole bouquet of STDs if her mouth has recently been in contact with genitals of someone else with STDs.


Then it would have had to be so recently that you would have seen it since most of them die fairly immediately. Except the ones that can actually infect the mouth and such. 

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Anything can be transmitted by a kiss, even aids if one of the kissers has really bad cavities, gum disease, etc.

Actually I believe the ability of AIDs to transmit has been proven to be a lot less than what was believes in the past. And for a kiss to transmit, they would been need open wounds in the mouth or lips.

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Actually I believe the ability of AIDs to transmit has been proven to be a lot less than what was believes in the past. And for a kiss to transmit, they would been need open wounds in the mouth or lips.





Isn't it transmited by blood? Those are worst case scenarios, still...

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I think if they have bleeding gums, mucositis, or other mouth sores, you can get their blood into you and that's no good.


Best thing to do is use emotes instead. Kissing is so 20th century.

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