WP 8: Biggest pet peeve...

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I love Windows Phone, it's a great OS, but there's one weakness to it that is driving ne nuts, and it is that it has all but abandoned the "landscape" mode in all places, minus IE. Having to use the phone constantly (and ESPECIALLY typing) in "Game Boy" style fashion is wearing thin with me. I have huge hands, and trying to use the phone in this fashion isn't fun. Mt yypong rnds ip kooking like thia (my typing ends up looking like this) even with predictive writing. It's irritating that I have to go back and fix half of my messages because the keys are too small for me to hit with 100% accuracy.  


Microsoft, please don't leave "landscape" out in the cold. Some of us depend on it to write. :(

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what are you using that doesn't support landscape? for me almost everything that needs it has it, IE, messages, email, one note, store, office, baconit, whatsapp, tapatalk,

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what are you using that doesn't support landscape? for me almost everything that needs it has it, IE, messages, email, one note, store, office, baconit, whatsapp, tapatalk,

People Hub (used to have landscape in WP7), Facebook, and Twitter are the biggest offenders.

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typing in landscape is just weird to me anyway. and eveb with my humongous hands, I have no problem with portrait. If I had to find a pet peeve this wouldn't be it. probably the nokia 13/30 volume reset. 

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I have little issue with landscape. I hate the android keyboard because someone it will not let you use the delete button at times.

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