Perfect Mixture of movie & sound

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Ya know when you are watching a movie, and when you hear the music - it just flows perfectly.  And whenever you hear that music in the future, all you can do is imagine that part of the movie ?

I was wondering what if people would care to chime in and mention parts of movies where a certain song was perfect.


My #1 of all time is in 1981's Excalibur.  The classic with Liam Neeson and Patrick Stewart.
King Arthur has just drank from the Holy Grail and rises out of his sickness, gathers his army to face Morgana - and Carmina Burana starts as they are riding through Camelot.  Carmina Burana is played in hundreds of movies - but nothing like this.

I think my #2 is Kingdom of Heaven.  King Baldwin has just died and Video Cor Meum starts.  It was also pretty cool in Hannibal when @ the opera - but in Kingdom of Heaven that music stuck with me.



Anyone else care to share ?

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