Difference between product and project

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Bit of a vague question, but I'll take a stab:


A product is something you create.  A project is a vehicle to create something.

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I'm a project manager, so I'll put in my 2 cents here:


A PROJECT - A temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product, service or result.

A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources.


A PRODUCT - The thing produced by the project.

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Project is the process of creating a product. 


So a project would be the work undertaken to create a product. It doesn't have to be a product though. Basically a project is the break down of work between teams,departments etc to create something or for a common end goal. 


A product is something you would market and sell. 

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what is the difference between product and project?

Project = Google software.

Product = Microsoft software.

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There isn't always a clear difference... Except that a project doesn't always have to end up being something that is sold in the market....


A project could be "add a roof deck to my house" and a product would be "Coca Cola 20oz variety" (or similar)...


So both can be the same thing, but one requires commercialization and the other does not.


But surely, a quick web search could have taught you this?

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