Dumb marketing

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Unskippable  ads for the Blu-Ray format on a Blu-Ray disc. Thanks for telling me the merits of the product I already bought. You might as well play the trailer for the movie I'm about to watch while you're at it.

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They make more money with force trailwrsyin DVDs and blue ray disc.

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My favourite (/s) is when they put unskippable anti-piracy videos at the beginning of the disc, which of course I wouldn't have to sit through if I'd just downloaded it.

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Some BluRays I've bought only contain a single message, which is thankfully skippable, a guy thanking me for buying a copy, and telling me I'm supporting the industry.


Putting Police warnings and unskippable copyright notices, unskippable adverts are beyond infuriating.


They are forcing the messages down the throats of the very people who don't need to see them, because they are the people who bought the disc.


My friend made the mistake of connecting his Bluray player to the network in his home. I went around to watch a movie and the player began streaming more up to date movie trailers from the internet to make us watch before the movie started..... 

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