Google will stop calling games 'free' when they offer in-app purchases

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Google has agreed to add protections around games' in-app purchases to ensure that children won't rack up unwanted charges on their parents' credit cards. The changes come at the request of the European Commission, which has been investigating the ongoing issue of unwanted in-app purchases and is today laying out a series of guidelines that it would like developers and app stores to comply with. Google has said that by the end of September, it will cease to advertise games as "free" when they include in-app purchases and that it will also require payment verification before each purchase. It's unclear if these changes will be exclusive to Europe, however.


Apple has also agreed to make changes at the behest of the commission, but it hasn't agreed to any specific actions or any time line. This is much to the commission's disapproval, but Apple doesn't seem particular concerned. In a statement to the BBC, Apple actually says that it's doing "more than others" to protect consumers from in-app purchases, pointing specifically to the upcoming iOS 8 feature Ask to Buy, which prevents children from making purchases and instead allows them to send that purchase to a parent for approval.



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Good. They already did have a notice that mentioned "In App Purchases" labeled on the apps page but this is still good too.


I hate apps that are also "free" but want every permission possible - Google should really block those too. A fart game shouldn't need SMS or SIM or access to my call log/contacts list (unless it intends for you to share it with your friends - even then that makes it even MORE sketchy! :angry:)

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