Questions about cold approaching girls....

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Don't take rejection to heart, keep doing what you are doing. The more you practice the more you know about what works and what doesn't. I'd also suggest sticking to the park, your not there to meet your dream girl, you are there to meet and talk with women to overcome your shyness and to become more social.


If you keep going and listening to the advice of these 'pick-up' artists I think you'll start to get good at it and your confidence will build.


Don't make excuses, get out there and keep practicing and you'll be better for it.

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Don't take rejection to heart, keep doing what you are doing. The more you practice the more you know about what works and what doesn't. I'd also suggest sticking to the park, your not there to meet your dream girl, you are there to meet and talk with women to overcome your shyness and to become more social.


If you keep going and listening to the advice of these 'pick-up' artists I think you'll start to get good at it and your confidence will build.


Don't make excuses, get out there and keep practicing and you'll be better for it.


That is some solid well rounded advice. :)

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Well your first sentance is SPOT ON advice. It is all biological and evolutionary as much as you hate to admit it. Which women wants to be with the unsure wimpy guy. You need to read this book....


That explains it! 


Did you do any of the things I suggested? .....  


Again it might be your fault, It might not be? What about if you approach a woman and she has just failed an exam, A very important exam to her. Do you think she would be in the mood to chat to you a complete stranger.Sometimes it is down to sheer timing and been luck. That said it takes more skill than what you have to do a cold approach in those situations. So as someone suggested go to a place where people are willing to be approached. A bar, club or singles night. That way you know people have come out and are most likely in the mood to speak to a fun charming gentlemen that is going to challenge them. Learn some bar tricks. They can be used as a fall back....And you haven't learned them to pick up women you have learned them because they are fun and interesting and it separates you from the hurd. You have gone out of your way to take your time to learn them. The wonder of the digital age is that information about these kind of things is so free and accessible today. I am not saying become the greatest magician or street hustler there was just enough to get you through a lul in a conversation. Make it fun. Make them a bet then at least when you win you will have got a drink out of it. Some of the fun nights I have had is where my mates would challenge me to win drinks of different groups of women. If I liked them I would then teach them what I did and there is no hard feelings. Plus it raises your standing in your social circle too. 


Need I go on???? ........ 


Its NOT difficult, Well it is but its also fun. Trying something new is the fun part. Putting yourself out there is the hard part. Once you get past then then your away...... 


Well this sort of contradicts the advice that Charisma and Tigurinn just gave. Hmm.....


No offense, but I hope Charisma and Tigurinn are giving the correct advice mainly because it just seems easier and more natural. Your advice is the kind most pick up artists give and requires a lot of skill. It takes lots of practice and you need to be willing to get your feet really wet and dirty. It's as if attracting a woman is a long-term skill like learning to play the piano. It's kind of frustrating if that's the case because I want to naturally bond with a girl and not force myself to be this confident, debonair guy that can woo every girl in the room. But on the other hand, if you're the one giving the correct advice, I may just have to. I mean, if this is what women want to be attracted to, then that's what I gotta do.

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Well this sort of contradicts the advice that Charisma and Tigurinn just gave. Hmm.....


No offense, but I hope Charisma and Tigurinn are giving the correct advice mainly because it just seems easier and more natural. Your advice is the kind most pick up artists give and requires a lot of skill. It takes lots of practice and you need to be willing to get your feet really wet and dirty. It's as if attracting a woman is a long-term skill like learning to play the piano. It's kind of frustrating if that's the case because I want to naturally bond with a girl and not force myself to be this confident, debonair guy that can woo every girl in the room. But on the other hand, if you're the one giving the correct advice, I may just have to. I mean, if this is what women want to be attracted to, then that's what I gotta do.

See the bolded bit--please remember that there is just as much variety in female personalities as men. Some of us don't want the smooth-talker who can "woo" every girl in the room. Personally I like the quietly confident type who isn't attracted to the same women those types are. I look for someone who wants the same thing I do--a warm, genuine relationship with someone intelligent and has more to offer than good looks or smooth empty words. It sounds so obvious, but I think you're missing this point--the right woman for you will be attracted to you for who you are. If you put on a fake persona, you're going to attract the wrong kind of person for you, and even if you keep up the fa?ade for a while, you won't be happy and it won't last.


It sounds like you want more than the cheap common flings, so don't settle for that! Everyone is different--you do what makes you happy.



Well, a lot of people keep telling me that I must demonstrate confidence or else a woman will not want to bother with me. If I ask a girl out for coffee and she says no, everyone keeps telling me that it was my fault because my approach must have lacked confidence. I mean, come on. I don't understand why this has to be so difficult. I ask a girl if she wants to go to see a movie, have a cup of coffee, or grab a bite to eat and my approach lacks confidence, then I'm sorry. I don't know why women get scared if a guy is not 100% all macho and confident. We are human beings; we're not perfect. Sometimes, we can't always be 100% sure of ourselves all the time.

Well, this is where it gets a little less clear. If you're asking out a girl you just met, yes, you're going to have to really make an impression on her or she's going to take the safe route and decline. Which goes back to what I suggested about taking part in activities you enjoy, getting out and becoming really comfortable with who you are and what you have to offer a lady (and indeed, the world in general). This comes easier with age, I can happily report. One good thing about getting older :laugh:


Every woman is different, and again, just because she isn't interested in you doesn't automatically make her a bitch, and please don't get defensive or aggressive with her--this will only confirm in her mind that declining was a good idea, and frighten her away for good. If you really are interested, say something like "No problem, I just don't come across someone like you very often, and had to give it a try. Here's my number--no pressure, just give me a call if you change your mind. Have a great day." I know if this happened to me, I would at the very least hang onto that number for a while. ;) It will leave her with a positive impression of you instead of "ew, creepy stranger" and who knows what might happen later!


But just like I said before, don't take any of it personally when it's a casual encounter like that. Think of it this way--if you ask out a girl you've just met in a park or something, and she declines, she doesn't really know YOU and therefore she isn't rejecting you on a personal level, just you as a random guy. She might be interested in someone else and wouldn't have accepted any invite. Also, flip it around, maybe once you did get to know her you mightn't have liked her at all. You aren't always going to get what you want, but I believe in the end things work out the way they're meant to. :)


American Chocolate is rubbish!! :rofl:

well, not all of it. Have you tried Ghirardelli? :drool: (then again, it is Swiss-style and influenced, but still made in the US.)

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OK well I have been out of the country and just got back and I am tired, So I will do my best to avoid a flame war.... It is NOT about picking up girls, Its about cultivating a personality that is naturally attractive to women. That is the KEY. Believe me if you are looking for a quick fix you are going to fail and fail HARD. Your going to tell yourself that women are bitches etc when its you not taking the time to put yourself out there and building a life and becoming the best you that you can. Believe me many of tried and most of failed and I imagine you are going to as well. Just from your posts you can tell you haven't got the mindset. Have you done ONE of those things I suggested? .... Believe me I have DONE IT ALL this is why I can tell you what works and what doesn't and what is the quickest way for you to get where you feel you need to be? .......It CAN be cultivated BUT it takes sheer hard work and determination. Its not going to happen if you don't go out there and approach women time after time to learn what works and what doesn't, How to act and when they get creeped is one...


Tell me five unique and interesting facts about yourself? What makes you stand out from the guy that approached the women before you and got blown out? .... 

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As an added bonus post, You need to STUDY the Alpha males of the world, Learn from them. Use them!! 


For example watch Legends, The TV show. Look at his character in Episode 1 VS Episode 3. Which one is more attractive to women? ..........


You want to learn I can teach, But if you choose to ignore my advice then your on your own. Shame though....I could get you EXACTLY what you want or what you THINK you want........

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