Fuji Xerox printer 'comes to your desk' with documents

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I just realised the photo doesn't actually have anyone in the photo... no doubt they have gone to look for the printer :laugh: imagine your surprise when you get back to your desk and the printer has come to you!

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Neat, but impractical I think.

The offices that I was in had multiple printers on each floor. If you needed a document urgently and the printer was in use by someone else, you would just go to a different printer. With this though, you would have to wait for the printer to come to you, meaning that you would be put in to a queue, wouldn't it?

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Yeah I don't really get it either... they suggest it's for "security", but in instanced where that's been important I've seen them set up a "pin" to print option once you get to the printer. The only benefit I can see of this is when you are printing a large and secure document that you don't want others to see and you can't be bothered to wait by the printer... however in those instances I think those people should have trustworthy assistants.

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The other things I've just considered are:


1. This picture shows someone on a laptop... how does the printer even know where they are!? (maybe they got a map option in the print settings).

2. I would want to have the ability to know whether the printer is if I want something quicker.


3. How does the printer guarantee that it's not blocking a fire escape route? - feels like that would take some serious "mapping" when you first get it.


4. It's probably cheaper to either get everyone their own printer or an assistant who delivers prints!

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This is interesting, but I have a tactic that I use at work. The very few times that I do print documents, I just wait for other people to bring it to me.  :shifty:

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