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Here is something to ponder.  I am white.  I grew up in a predominantly black school, white people were the minority.  I would get ridiculed simply for breathing in the vicinity of a group of black males.  Racism comes from how you are raised.  I have no issues with any side of the die/dice.  I do know if you want to stop racism, it starts with you and forgiveness.  Yes you do have to forgive, and forget the past to rise above it.  Learn from it, don't dwell on it.  If I were to dwell on my past, it would eat me alive until I were to do harm to those people in one way or another.  I choose to forgive, forget, and move on and treat people like I wish to be treated going forward.  I do not bash a race because of some arrogant garbage that was around me for a very large portion of my life.

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Why does it seem all coloured or ethnic minorities as they seem to like being called, think they are the only race to have been enslaved.Just about every race on the planet has been enslaved at some point in history by one tyrant or another.What she should be making noise over is modern slavery i.e. sex slaves not something from a remote past none of us had any part in



There is evidence of Slavery in India in ancient times, a practice that escalated with invasions of India in 8th century, and particularly after the 12th century.[1][2] The study of its history in India is complicated by contested definitions, ideological and religious perceptions, difficulties in interpreting written sources, and perceptions of political impact of interpretations of written sources.[1]


The Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa, Southeast Africa, the Horn of Africa and certain parts of Europe (such as Iberia and Sicily) beginning during the era of the Arab conquests and continuing through the 19th century.[1] The trade was conducted through slave markets in the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, with the slaves captured from Africa's interior.


The Barbary slave trade refers to the white slave markets that flourished on the Barbary Coast of North Africa, or modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and western Libya, between the 16th and 19th centuries. These markets prospered while the states were nominally under Ottoman suzerainty, but in reality they were mostly autonomous. The North African slave markets traded in European slaves.


Slavery in the Ottoman Empire was a legal and important part of the Ottoman Empire's economy and society[1] until the slavery of peoples of the Caucasus was banned in the early 19th century, although slaves from other groups were allowed.[2] In Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), the administrative and political center of the Empire, about a fifth of the population consisted of slaves in 1609.[3] Even after several measures to ban slavery in the late 19th century, the practice continued largely unfazed into the early 20th century


Modern slavery is a multi-billion dollar industry with estimates of up to $35 billion generated annually. The United Nations estimates that roughly 27 to 30 million individuals are currently caught in the slave trade industry.

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Did you read the OP?




She's basically saying that if her ancestors hadn't been taken as slaves (forgetting perhaps that most slaves were SOLD by their village leaders, not stolen away), then she'd be a Muslim as that was the predominant religion in Africa in slavery days.


And she herself said she wants to leave, so why doesn't she just go then?


Here's some facts.


If her ancestors hadn't been taken from Africa, then:


1.  She likely wouldn't have been born

2.  If she had, she'd likely have grown up poor and possibly starving.

3.  If she had, she'd likely live in a war torn nation and would live her days in fear of rape and murder at the hands of brutal rebel forces or religious extremists.

4.  If she had, she wouldn't be a rich rap artist, or have a nice house, nice clothes, expensive car, loads of friends.

5.  If she had, she would likely be illiterate and uneducated


And yet, despite all that she has that she wouldn't have if she were African, she still hates America?


Well then.. She can always give all her stuff up and leave; no one is stopping her.

Wow! This will be the dumest comment of the day. DId you just say slavery was good for black people, sterotype all of Africa, and totally disregard mostly why Africa is the way it is today? Just wow... I had to make sure quoted you just in cause you deleted your comment. Hope your kids don't see this...


I don't know who Azealia Banks is but I think you are the ignorant (I added)

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Pretty sure white Europeans either settled unoccupied land in the US, or traded with the natives for it, so I don't know where you got "stole" from, pal.


As for slavery, again, the facts are far more interesting than the fiction.  Sure, some Africans were stolen away from their homes, but the larger percentage were actually purchased from their village chieftans.  Was that wrong? By today's standards, absolutely hell yes it was wrong; but it wasn't by the standards of the day and those are the only ones you can judge the people of the day by.


Are the descendants of those slaves owed reparations by the descendants of those slavers? Why? None of those slavers or slaves are alive today; those are the people who owe and are owed, not the ones who today who live in a free and equal society, where infinitely more opportunities exist for them than they could ever hope for if history had taken a different route.


I suggest that, before you try to discuss the issue, you remove that large chip from your shoulder and that bug up your butt.


Oh, and btw, I'm not American. I'm one of those white Europeans who's family has never owned another human, who's ancestors never owned another human, and who thinks anyone who treats another differently because of the colour of their skin, be they white, black, brown, pink, yellow, blue, purple or sky blue pink with yellow polka dots, or anyone who blames the crimes of the ancestor on those alive today, is a moron.

Damn, you can't shut up about things you obviously know nothing about... Sorry, about calling you a

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I need to stop reading current event/political posts on Neowin, the ignorant coments here are making me lose more faith in humanity again. Done...

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