Background User Logon

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I need to run a program in another user on my windows's pc.
The program will run when the second user logon.
I'm searching for a way to make a background logon (using cmd) to the other user while still continue using the primary user account.

Hope one of you can help me out.


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One way is to use a tool like RunAs (built in), PsExec (from SysInternals), etc, those will let you launch something with different user credentials, can script that however you like via their login script or whatever. Or, you can create a scheduled task. Have it run as a particular user and have its trigger be when someone logs in (either everyone or specific people).

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Hi Max.


Thanks for your response.


I don't want to run the program with different user credentials. I want the program to run on the other user's desktop. The situation is whenever the user logon to his account the program start running (I've copied it to the start-up folder), but what I wanna do is that the current user will run a batch file that will trigger a quiet logon for the other user while still on the current one.




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Ohhh I misunderstood you -- use PsExec then, you can start applications on another computer, assuming credentials/firewall/etc. You can't remotely log into another system's local console session though, although you can force a system to automatically log in when started. (Netplwiz, obviously use with care for security reasons.)

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so you basically want to run a program as administrator while the user is logged in as a standard user account. 


You can create a scheduled task to do this, you can use a free software that will create a shortcut to do this



I have not used any of these, they are for you to test and determine what works for you.  They were found with a simple google search using the phrase "free software to runas"



here is another option, which has two parts...the first part is the technet method (after searching a ton you will find the technet page where the first part was pulled off of) the second is pointing to other tools that do this

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