An Interesting Thought... or 2

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This occured to me a little while ago, but since the judges ruling to force Microsoft to turn over its Windows source code , it seems, perhaps, more likely. My though was that this whole "House Cleaning" microsoft is doing this month may be more of a "Paper Shredding" so to speak. If MS saw the ruling coming, and it would, in fact, be possible to distrubute Windows without things like IE, maybe they are taking this oportunity to doctor the code so that it appears impossible to remove such components as IE. I hope I am wrong, I'd like to see MS clean up the code a little bit. Imagine how small windows might be if all the extra junk that has collected within the system files were weeded out. I don't know, but running XP Pro, I don't think that I need any banners that say "Whistler" in my shell32 or explorer.exe. And before any chews me out, I know that the core system files are the same for all the XP's, but it would be nice if each dirivation had their own. I am pretty sure this would cut down the size dramatically. Just some thoughts.

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Well get on it than bro.

You know how damn huge Windows source code is? Well neither do I but I know she is biggy big. You really think that those programmers should sit down and take out the banners within core dll's just to slim it down a bit? wtf

Buy a bigger hdd or switch to linux and stop yer' bitching...not saying I'm a Micropoo fan in the slightest, but bitching and whining does nothing...only actions.

jesse ;-)

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Hold on there a second. I'm not bitching or whining, just commenting. And my understanding of computer programming is about a big as the goverments chances in splitting up MS. Don't get me wrong, I love MS and wouldn't dream of changing to MAC of Linux or anything. And I also know that there is a lot more to the core files than banners:) However, I have read a number of posts that mention going through various files and seeing obviously outdated code. I am sure that there is plenty of code that is no longer used and ha been left because it hasn't been seen or because it take more effort to try to remove it without messing things up than to leave it. Besides, all this talk was just some spontaneous ranting that was spurred off of my conspiracy talk that MS is trying to cover things up. :D

Cheers and no hard feeling (If anything you said was ill-willed... it's so hard to tell when someone is really ticked off or just giving someone a hard time:) Either way, cheers.

P.S. I have 2 20gig HD's and no shortage of space, I was just thinking of resources and overhead. It would be easier for a program to find a needle in a haystack if the haystack is smaller. I don't even know if that makes any sense, oh well.:D

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Trust me, by the time the government actually gets Microsoft to turn over the source code for Windows XP and Windows Embedded, we will all be running Windows 2003. This case will go through many more appeals before Microsoft has to turn over the code. And when they do it will useless. Then they will have to spend another 2 years to try and get MS to give up 2003 source. So on and so on.

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If all the appeals and such are all turned down (meaning that MS will have to distribute the source code), then this could actually be beneficial to all of us because it would allow for people and companies to slim down the code. Unfortunately, the chances of that happening is slim to none.

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