Nvidia confirms Intel PCI Express relationship

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Intel will use Nvidia's "top to bottom" family of PCI Express graphics units as part of Chipzilla's wall to wall Grantsdale chipset launch, the graphics firm said today.

Nvidia said Intel has bought "several thousand" of its PCI Express graphics processors which Chipzilla will use as platform level testing parts, software development kits, channel seed units, technical solutions training, and for demonstration systems. The graphics firm said Intel is working "hand in hand" with Intel's launch team using its high speed interconnect (HSI) bi-directional protocol conversion.

This, explained marketing VP Dan Vivoli, highlights the stability, the value, and the performance of its PCX family, based as it is on GeForce PCX products.

Nvidia claimed it has already shipped over 4,000 PCI Express boards - presumably Grantsdale ones, to its customers and to its pardners.

The Inquirer

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