Whats going on with the posts?

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I've noticed this a few times..at first I thought it was meerly my imagination. But now I'm convinced...someone is deleting my posts. :mad:

And I dont mean 1 or 2..I mean by 20+.

When I logged off a few hours ago I had 895..alllllmost 900..and now im down to 860? What the..

I do believe only mods have the authority to do so..so..whats going on?

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No, mods would not delete posts or threads without notification. Normally we move them to hidden places, without deleteing in case they are deemed appropriate to be restore (a "recycle bin" if you will...).

I'm sure there's a reason for this happening, and I certainly hope it's not one of our mods. Maybe redmak can shed some light with his vB skillz ;)

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Originally posted by Keldyn

Bah...No one is removing your posts. It is simply threads having been moved or deleted.

no one is removing the posts, they are just being deleted (or moved) sounds like removing and deleting are the same thing dont u think?

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No, i do not think so. They are quite different. Sometimes we move threads to another "area" where they cannot be viewed. They have not been deleted, they are simply out of sight.

And by my post, what i was trying to imply is that no one has specifically altered kintamanate's post count...

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Originally posted by neo1980

no one is removing the posts, they are just being deleted (or moved) sounds like removing and deleting are the same thing dont u think?

well, what he means to say is that no one is specifically deleteing his posts. It may just be old threads that have been deleted that are not his own, he just has a post or two in them. That's all...

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