13 Year Old Dies Choking Himself for the High

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erm. moron.

i feel no possibly emotions for this kid - the mother yes - but this kid is clearly a complete ass...God what drives people to do these stupid immature acts of selflessness!

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That is a fetish though I forget the name, erotic fixatia? or I dunno something like that.


Erotic asphyxiation

although, i'm somewhat doubtful as to whether this was involved seeing as how the kid was only 13 year olds

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its the governments fault for not giving kids cheap weed to get high off of. lEGALIZE POT and i am sure the accidental suicide rate will drop.


oftop:could ya pm me the sauce on ur sig?

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As others have mentioned, we did something similar in grade 8-9. One person would stand against the wall while another person placed their hands on the other's chest while leaning. A person would be on either side to catch the person as they fell.

It was good for a 1-3 minute pass out. There was another variation where you put the heel of your hands on the person's neck and apply pressure. This was the "mobile" version for use on bus rides.

I don't know what the attraction was. At that time, I was a goody-two-shoes, as were most of the kids in our group. Ironically, we were freestylers or skaters and everyone thought we were potheads. I didn't even know what pot was then.

I think this is just one of those things that a lot of kids do, dumb as it is. Since when did kids not do dumb things?

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I tried this once or twice when I was about 13 years old. Dunno what I was thinking... a little bit of excitement and danger. It was part of me growiing up. Still alive though.

I won't go calling this _child_ an idiot. My thoughts is with his family.

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Like others I feel sorry for his family, but the kids who do this are ****** in the long run, because you can't be that intelligent and do something like this.

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I've never choked myself with a rope, but if you stand up against a wall, bend over as if to touch your toes, and take 10 very deep breaths (inhale / exhale), then on the last breath just inhale very deep and stand up with your back against the wall, and hold your breath for as long as you possibly can (until you get the feeling), you can more safely experience whatever it was that the dude was trying to do. I did it a few times in HS.


I used to see people do that at school... but they get someone to hit you on the side of the head as well :wacko:

I think it might be a case of, "oh look at me I'm so brave!!" rather than the high.

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its the governments fault for not giving kids cheap weed to get high off of. lEGALIZE POT and i am sure the accidental suicide rate will drop.


Now that's Crazy... :wacko:

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This is nothing new. I remember seeing kids do this when I was younger and thinking how stupid they were. If you want to get high, do drugs. Don't strangle yourself. :rolleyes:


I think this is the only kind of time where a phrase like that is remotly applicable. :-P

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u americans are fuct up,

"i did that choking game, woo it was fun" waaahhhh!1????? :blink:

i just smoked drugs when i was young, never tryed to kill my self for kicks...

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