Anxious life of the 'Ipod' generation

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THEY should be Britain?s gilded youth, enjoying opportunities to study, travel and embark on exciting careers in a way previous generations could only dream about. But instead they are the ?Ipod? generat?Insecure, Pressured, Over-taxed and Debt-ridden?idden? ? according to a study by Reform, the think tank, to be published this week.

?We have always worked on the assumption that each generation would be better off than its predecessors,? said Professor Nick Bosanquet of Imperial College London, one?But young people today have a lot more commitments and it is much more difficult for them to raise their incomes and generate wealth. This really is a very big issue for the country.?or the country.?

According to the report, today?s generation lacks the confidence and ability to build on the economic foundations created by post-war baby boomers. Because they are indebted, they are also risk-averse; levels of entrepreneurship among Britain?s young are lower than in America, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland and have fallen over the past decade. Many opt for what appear to be safe jobs offering a good pension. Others have to take any job that is available to try to pay off their debts.

?The student loan is the biggest chain around my neck,? said Phil Grech, 22, from Cumbria, who has a degree in maths and meteorology from Reading University.

<:angry:ell thats reassuring... :angry: I was reading this in the Times today and its really worrying of what is going to happen to our generation in the near future... whats your thoughts on this?,,2087-1743391,00.html

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