Cell Phones Dont Cause Cancer

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No brain cancer link to mobile phones, study says

30 Aug 2005 16:59:21 GMT

Source: Reuters

LONDON, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Ten years of using a mobile phone results in no increased risk of a tumour in the nerve connecting the ear to the brain, researchers said on Tuesday.

But amid public concern about a possible link, the scientists who conducted the largest study so far on the subject said they could not rule out a higher risk over a longer period.

"The results of our study suggest there is no substantial risk in the first decade after starting use," said Anthony Swerdlow of the Institute of Cancer Research.

"Whether there are longer-term risks remains unknown, reflecting the fact that this is a relatively recent technology."

The study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, focused on the risk of acoustic neuroma, benign tumours which grow in the nerve connecting the ear and inner ear to the brain, close to where handsets are held.

Research has also investigated the possible association of other kinds of brain tumour with mobile phones but scientists say acoustic neuroma would be a prime candidate to be affected.

Previous independent studies have found mobile phone radiation may have some effect on the human body, such as heating up the brain and causing headaches and nausea.

But no study that could be independently repeated has proved mobile phones have permanent harmful effects and the mobile phone industry argues there is no conclusive evidence that electromagnetic radiation causes harm.

About 780 million mobile phones are expected to be sold this year, and nearly 2 billion people around the world use one.

The institute's analysis pooled studies conducted in Britain, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden -- all countries where mobile phones were introduced early.

Cancer charities welcomed the findings.

"However, it's important researchers continue to monitor phone users over coming years as mobiles are still a relatively new invention," said Cancer Research UK's Julie Sharp. (Additional reporting by Tarmo Virki and Lucas van Grinsven)


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You're exposed to radiation daily. Visible light is radiation. Cell phones use radio/micro waves, which is lower frequency than visible light. Both are non-ionizing. Ioninzing radiation (e.g., x-rays, gamma rays, u-v light to some extent) cause cell breakdown and general nastiness. The only thing that non-ionizing radiation is known to cause is heat. If you make tissue hotter, it will get irriated, but should not cause permanent damage.

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can anyone explain the really un-natural tumors some people have died from? i know nature doesn't normally do things at right angles, but on the news i've seen x-rays of square shaped tumors near people's ears. is there any explanation for that?

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There are researchers on BOTH sides, it's just like with tobaco causing lung cancer there were often reports by RESEARCHERS who suggested tobaco did not cause cancer and such non-sense.

I know only 2 persons who use their phones extremely, they usually get headache after talking for more than an hour and one of them has brain tumor. Coincident I think not.

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Study sponsored by...Motorola


well that explains it! This tactic was pulled sometime ago by the cigarette manufacturer's before everything turned upside down with the whistleblower.

I do believe you are microwaving your brain slowly everytime you put the phone to your head. I mean come on think about it for a second.

I could've sworn I read on neowin sometime ago about some mice that developed tumors in their body from having cell phones 24 hours non stop in their cage.

but for us it's small doses everyday for 30 years when we might see the damage.

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I don't thnk cell phones are AS bad now since everything has gone digital. Although it still can't be good for you. Those old analog brick phones were death sentences though.

(NOTE: Study wasn't ACTUALLY sponsored by Motorola but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it had been.)

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