How do you pronounce "BETA"?

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Again, depends on where you are.  Here's from the OED:

Note: the pronunciation it gives (the only pronunciation it gives) is, effectively, "beetah".  :cool:


Say it anyway you want, but I just want to let you know that when you're talking about a beta release and you say beetah and you hear people laugh behind you, I'll be one of em. And I don't remember any M$ execs saying that Vista Beetah 2 will be released soon.

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Say it anyway you want, but I just want to let you know that when you're talking about a beta release and you say beetah and you hear people laugh behind you, I'll be one of em.  And I don't remember any M$ execs saying that Vista Beetah 2 will be released soon.


No one's ever laughed at my saying beetah. Would you really laugh at me if I said it that way? I can't imagine I'd find it funny anyone saying baytah. :)

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No one's ever laughed at my saying beetah.  Would you really laugh at me if I said it that way?  I can't imagine I'd find it funny anyone saying baytah.  :)


If you said it with some weird ass accent, I'd laugh harder :p

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ok how about this. if you live in the US say BAY-TAH unless you wanna sound like a moron. if you live in the UK say "better" "bayter" "beetah" or whatever they say. i guarantee if you go to a professor in the sciences in the US they will say baytah

end of discussion

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Bee ta.

It's the English language, I'm English. What else is there to say ;-)

"You say bay ta, I say bee ta - stop it!" :p

Even agrees with me (surprisingly)

be?ta (bt, b-)

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First time I've heard anything other than baytuh

In Japanese, "Beta" would sound like behtuh, so I'm sticking with it. Dunno where everyone got beetah from :wacko:

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not you :p


Of course I do. HOW DARE you insult my English, man? lol

I wasn't asking "Who speaks proper English?", It was a retort to HIS statement "People who speak proper English blah blah blah.."

I replied with, in shock:

"who speak proper English?"

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I personally prefer "behta" as opposed to "bayta," which is what most of my fellow Americans say. However, when pronouncing the Greek letter beta, I say "bayta"

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It's the Greek Alphabet... duh

BETA (Bay-Tuh) - The second letter of the greek alphabet

Anything else is retarded, so that makes you retarded.

LOL, JK about the retarded stuff.

Beta (upper case Β, lower case β) is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. It seems to have come from the Phoenician word "beth" that means "house" or "tent". The shape of B represented that thing itself (tent), the usual house of the Semites. In the Ancient Greek language, it was pronounced , but in Modern Greek is pronounced . In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 2.

That is from

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I personally prefer "behta" as opposed to "bayta," which is what most of my fellow Americans say. However, when pronouncing the Greek letter beta, I say "bayta"


No offense...but that makes absolutely no sense, when you consider that "alpha" and "beta" in the software world is derived from the Greek letters. Alpha comes first, then Beta...yadda yadda...

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