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We're testing new ways to reduce the load. Pageviews are very load intensive.

But we're still tweaking the settings :)

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wow, you noticed that pretty quick!

actually, it's a hack we just installed to aid the server just a bit.

it delays updating the post count in favor of putting it in a HEAP for an UPDATE when the server is less bogged down. (HEAP tables are stored in memory and faster than the usual MyISAM tables).

It should be updated at SOME point in the near future. But you'll just have to wait until everyone calms down about msn5, explorer8 and sp3...

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dazzla's speedy like that ;)

that's a pretty good idea. hope it helps a lil. timdorr, have any of the temp solutions you have tried had a significant effect? ie., email notification, avatars, etc.

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