Tip: Updating to the latest Chimera nightly automatically every night

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I thought some of you might be interested in this, since many people use Chimera as their browser. I don't know if this can be done some other way, but this is the method.

This tip involves playing around with UNIX files, but don't worry, nothing hardcore.

First of all, download and install ChimeraKnight, a nifty little app that automatically downloads and installs the latest Chimera nightly whenever you start it. It can also install a ChimerIcon theme of your choice after it's done updating.

After that, open the Terminal and do

<pre>sudo pico /etc/crontab</pre>

You will be prompted for your administrator password, and then the text editor Pico will open.

Now add this line at the end of the document:

<pre>30      3       *       *       *       cerbero open /Applications/ChimeraKnight.app</pre>

The first number, is "minutes", the second is "hours", so you change that to whatever suits your needs (like when you're sleeping, and thus not using the computer :)). The stars describe the day of month, month and weekday, respectively. We don't have to worry about them though, since we want ChimeraKnight to run every night, thus we leave them as stars. Replace "cerbero" with the user name your logged in with. And finally, the /Applications/ChimeraKnight.app should of course be changed if you installed it somewhere else.

Now press ctrl+x to exit Pico. You will be prompted to save the file, which of course you'll want to do.

Now we're done. If everything worked out alright, ChimeraKnight should start automatically at the time you've entered.

You might want to change the settings in ChimeraKnight before letting crontab start it, like that it should quit automatically after it has downloaded the latest Chimera build.

I hope someone found this useful, I know I do :)

If there's anything that's unclear, just ask.

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has anyone else had the problem that the dock icon shortcut no longer works after upgrading a nightly?? thats one of the main reasons i use CK, because i set it to run Chimera and quit itself, so i can just trash the old shortcut and move the current one in its place. I never had a problem with the dock icon losing its functionality until Jaguar.

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Originally posted by sparkleytone

has anyone else had the problem that the dock icon shortcut no longer works after upgrading a nightly?? thats one of the main reasons i use CK, because i set it to run Chimera and quit itself, so i can just trash the old shortcut and move the current one in its place. I never had a problem with the dock icon losing its functionality until Jaguar.

Yeah I have that problem if I update manually. It seems ChimeraKnight doesn't replace the whole Navigator.app (which is really a folder), but it copies all the stuff from the new package/folder into the old one, thus the dock icon will still work.
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