Meet the browser: Opera Next

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Web notifications


From now on, Opera officially supports web notifications.


These are a special kind of pop-up triggered by a site.

Notifications alert the user outside of the context of the browser.

Usually, the operating system UI is used to display the alert.


This is very convenient way for web page and web app makers to inform their users about events,

such as the delivery of email or a comment posted on a blog.


You can check it out if you use the Gmail web client. Enable Desktop Notifications in your Gmail settings and have fun!

New Mac installer

This release also includes a brand new network installer for Mac.


The smaller-sized downloader fetches the latest version of Opera when you?re connected to the web.


It installs and runs our browser automatically. The new installer is less prone to errors and should manage to download a package when you?re on poor-quality networks.
Network installation for Windows has been available for some time and now we?ve brought it to Mac.


New users can download the network installer once and, from then on, it will always install the latest Opera from our servers.


Of course, the regular auto update still works.

There can be situations where you may need the full, offline package installer.


We haven?t gotten rid of previous solution, just added the smaller option. For anyone who?s worried, you will still be able to download the full size installer.

The new, improved changelog

You asked for more detail information about bugfixing and we?ve improved the changelog to help out. But, bear in mind that the log is created automatically, issues are filed by people and mistakes can happen. Now, every bug is marked with a *.

Known Issue
  • Page crash on Gmail with Mac OS X 10.6 ? To fix this please disable Proprietary audio codecs on opera://flags


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Opera Developer 25 update: A first glance at bookmarks

released an update to Opera Developer 25, it is not actually a big surprise that we are working on a bookmark manager. But, in this release, the bookmark flag is enabled by default.

Furthermore, this update comes with many fixes for things like MP3, H.264, HiDPI and more. As always, a complete list of changes can be found in the changelog.


First, take a look at the main Opera menu. You?ll find a new item there ? Bookmarks.


Play around with that menu and see what happens. Now you can quickly enable or disable the bookmarks bar by selecting Show bookmark bar.

If you want to bookmark a page, click the heart icon, found on the right side of the combined address and search bar. We think it?s cool that Opera now suggests a thumbnail for your new bookmarks. There are a few suggestions and you can change the image if you think another works better for you.



The bookmarks page (found by clicking Show all bookmarks in the main menu),

contains a list of folders on the left. Use these to manage your bookmarks.

You can organize your folders and personalize how you want your bookmarks to be kept.

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25.0.1592.0 ? 2014-08-14

  • CHR-436 Old context menu does not disappear when new context menu is activated

CHR-1745 Fix missing focus outline in web controls for OS X 10.9

CHR-2180 [Mac] WP1 support for MP3 decode on OSX

CHR-2543 Implementation of MP3 and H.264 support

CHR-2831 Update chromium on master to 38.0.2101.0

CHR-2934 Got rid of net::LOAD_ENABLE_LOAD_TIMING.

* DNA-9715 Unknown protocol dialog has wrong button

* DNA-15155 Regression in CertificateBlacklistTest.VerifyCertificateCAValid from opera_common_net_unittests

* DNA-15938 Bookmarklet installation warning text is clipped

* DNA-17306 Opera accesses ?Opera Safe Storage? too frequently

* DNA-21194 webNotifications DOM API availability does not depend on flag

DNA-22384 [Windows] Tab menu ? Refactor TabStripLayoutManager

DNA-22507 [Engine] Sugar bowl

* DNA-22549 [Linux] Can?t paste with Diodon Clipboard Manager in the address bar

* DNA-22925 [Win]Cannot play h264 videos from bts attachment

* DNA-23005 Get only 1 frame in the zoom-in/activation animation on Retina

DNA-23024 [Engine] Sugar bowl ? Testsuite

* DNA-23060 Opening new tab animation looks broken

* DNA-23171 [Touch][HiDPI] Slow scrolling on touch screens

* DNA-23417 ?Preview is not available? when it should be

* DNA-23422 Never showing preview after dismissing context-menu

DNA-23430 Port extension tests from chromium WP4

DNA-23517 Ctrl + Space on addressbar causes random effects.

* DNA-23535 Left edge of tab preview is not displayed properly

* DNA-23586 [Mac] OS X 10.6 Renderer Crash on Gmail

* DNA-23606 Add ?Speech? to text-selection context-menu and Edit menu

* DNA-23736 [Mac] Tab preview view in Mission Control

DNA-23888 [Win] PDF viewer integration WP2

* DNA-23889 Speed Dial breaks if empty folder is left after removing extensions

* DNA-23964 When rearranging bookmarks on bookmark tab, order in Bookmark manager does not change

* DNA-23980 Bookmarks popup throws on

* DNA-23992 Impossible to interact with net-installer on networks requiring proxy authentication unless successfully signed in

* DNA-24011 Too much of background downloading by net-installer even after a failed installation attempt

* DNA-24033 Buttons in WebUIs and scrollbars are not styled on Windows

* DNA-24040 Sliding extension toolbar doesn?t show up properly

* DNA-24058 [Win] Aspect ratio and scaling issues on H264 movies

* DNA-24094 Custorm bookmark nodes should have their id?s reassigned in case of corrupt Bookmarks file.

* DNA-24257 When adding bookmark with shortcut and with heart icon, screenshot is doubled

* DNA-24259 ?Add to bookmarks? in the context menu should have the bookmark icon (the heart)

DNA-24281 [pl,ro,ru,de,sr] Clipped modal dialog string ?Allow to display notifications on desktop?

* DNA-24318 Turbo badge not displayed when loading http site. Regression 1576

DNA-24343 Enabling Chrome?s restarting functionality

* DNA-24344 [Win][HiDPI] Improper scaling of the video during the first playback when using Pepper Flash

* DNA-24364 Current user installation installs to wrong location with default folder option

* DNA-24365 Bookmark item in edit mode should not use a hand cursor

* DNA-24378 [Mac] 10.6 Opera crashes with full screen shortcut

* DNA-24381 Password is not filled automatically after accepting keychain access

* DNA-24386 Custom url_welcome in the network installer json query isn?t opened with first Opera start

* DNA-24389 [Mac] TabPeek ? broken preview after resizing the window

DNA-24392 [Tools] Sugar bowl ? Fix all the UI strings related to bookmarks

* DNA-24448 [Win8] Remove the invisible messages for registrational toast

DNA-24458 Clean up SearchEngines WP2 ? switch to Chromium POST SearchEngines implementation

DNA-24459 Make opera://op-resources/ and opera://resources/ work in non-bundled bookmark manager

* DNA-24468 Crash on exit after switching to the new Start Page

* DNA-24471 Extension keyboard shortcut not working anymore

DNA-24478 There is an unused variable in Jump List code.

DNA-24479 Clean up Lint issues and reference counting in suggestions provider code.

* DNA-24482 Error in the console ?Re-setting data. ?

* DNA-24489 Hide the heart button when page triggers certificate dialog

DNA-24493 Bookmark Manager: When dragging, the bookmark right of a just switched node is unresponsive

* DNA-24496 [Win] Old installer not working on 25.0.1583.0

DNA-24497 [Linux] No keyboard shortcut to paste the primary buffer

* DNA-24500 [Win] New installer launches old installer window, installs 24.0.1548.38806

DNA-24501 [Mac] Add DataRequestHandlerTest to smoketest

* DNA-24503 Scrollbar in bookmark poper is not styled

DNA-24505 [Linux] Fix compilation warning in fpdf_parser_parser.cpp

DNA-24506 Moving bookmarks in the bookmarks bar generates inconsistent events

DNA-24510 Sorting the result of getChildren. Needed or not?

* DNA-24513 [Win] The old installer doesn?t install root files

DNA-24515 [Linux] Create RPM packages WP1

* DNA-24518 Assert when opening the settings page with sync disabled

DNA-24521 Make paste start at the first position of the target folder

DNA-24524 Update the package-diff script to match recent changes

* DNA-24530 Crashes when opening/closing the new Start Page

* DNA-24532 can?t drag a bookmark after canceling editing it

* DNA-24544 Disk error on choosing USB installation when removable disk drive does not have media

* DNA-24547 Can scroll in extension popup

DNA-24555 Make new bookmark folder structure work with sync (WP1 for DNA-24481)

* DNA-24558 Auto-update fails when updating from Opera Next to Opera beta

* DNA-24559 [Win] Replace the small tile assets with slightly bigger

* DNA-24563 [Win] Update the installer_unittests with tests for xml layout validation, invalid xml files and root_files

* DNA-24566 [Linux] Linker error when building in debug with shared libraries

* DNA-24569 Opera crashes when installing Speed Dial for Gmail

DNA-24574 [HiDPI] Remove unnecesary patches which aren?t needed any more

* DNA-24576 [Mac] Cmd+Shift+ switch tabs even when focus is in text fields.

* DNA-24579 Can delete/edit selected bookmark

* DNA-24581 Doubled favicon for a bookmark without a name on the bookmark bar.

DNA-24582 Fix HeartMenuTest on Mac

DNA-24583 Enable Bookmarks flag on Developer

* DNA-24584 [Linux] Password manager fails to deserialize KWallet

* DNA-24585 Use start-page image in the bookmark manager

DNA-24592 In private window, going to bookmark manager opens normal window

DNA-24593 Fix PartnerContentTest.GetDataFromTrackingJsonFile

* DNA-24594 Exit folder edit in BM manager throws

DNA-24595 Disable StartPagePreloadService for single process mode

DNA-24596 [Tools] Code clean up

* DNA-24610 Middle click to open bookmark in a background tab does not work

* DNA-24620 SD generator stops working after several generation failures

* DNA-24630 The SD icon generator ?crashes? on domains with no TLD.

* DNA-24631 Patchy background for text label in installer?s uninstall page

DNA-24632 Add Sogou and Qihoo 360 search engines for Chinese distibution builds

DNA-24636 Disable two unsupported notifications api tests

* DNA-24637 Background task stays hanging after installer window close.

DNA-24647 ?Unknown navigation context found? when loading local URL using Open File

* DNA-24649 Support Ctrl/Cmd F in the bookmark manager

DNA-24650 If a bookmark is missing title, menus show as blank

DNA-24652 Fix autorelease pool missing leak on OS X 10.6

DNA-24653 Focus the bookmark search on search keyboard-shortcut if bookmark manager is the current document

DNA-24657 Add Speed Dial back to Opera menu -> Page, when bookmarks flag is enabled

DNA-24661 First rough version of sharing dialog

DNA-24663 Import ChromeBrowserMainPartsPosix

* DNA-24665 [Linux] Low resolution Unity Dock icon

* DNA-24668 Page not focused after opening file using Open dialog

* DNA-24671 Search engines using POST with multiple query arguments cannot be added and not migrated correctly

DNA-24679 PDF viewier strings are not always properly generated.

* DNA-24681 When opening the bookmark manager, ?back? button is active

* DNA-24682 Preview window snaps back to original scale just before tab switch

DNA-24686 Implement add to speed dial on the extension side

* DNA-24688 File chooser dialog not opened from extension browser action popup

DNA-24691 opera://bookmark-image data source doesn?t work in private mode

* DNA-24692 Adding blank pages to bookmarks adds folder instead

* DNA-24693 Browser crash in chrome.tabs.create when navigation is not allowed

* DNA-24694 Unable to tab between fields in Options page of new installer

* DNA-24700 The new netinstaller should temporarily use the ?Dev newins? stream when fetching the full package

* DNA-24704 [Linux] Chrome PDF viewer doesn?t work

DNA-24707 Integrate new image fall-back solution

DNA-24712 NOTREACHED during extension installation from

* DNA-24714 Address field keeps focus after reloading the page

DNA-24716 [Linux] App modal dialog is not modal

DNA-24721 Allow the repacking and package diff scripts to handle all flavors of buildbot hostnames

* DNA-24772 Crash on trying to install with an invalid redirection on package JSON

* DNA-24773 [Win8] [HiDPI] Not whole PDF plugin area is repainted in HiDPI mode

DNA-24781 Non-string passed through bookmarkManagerPrivate::getString breaks extension

* DNA-24783 [Win] Browsertests for web notifications fails on GOTH

DNA-24784 Upload Images When Sharing

DNA-24785 Move opera_autoupdate licenses and version file out of Contents/MacOS

DNA-24786 Split basic_usage JS test

DNA-24787 Disable test by_user

* DNA-24788 Using ?load-extension shouldn?t require confirmation

* DNA-24791 End of separator line and item grid don?t align

* DNA-24793 Bookmark manager title doesn?t agree to real folder name

DNA-24794 Sign inside out without resource rules

DNA-24798 ?features? target transitively depends on Blink, causing a nasty dep backpack for installer

DNA-24802 Assert when creating the main menu in debug

DNA-24804 Add a TabMenu flag.

DNA-24808 Move Speed Dial icon generation to an extension

DNA-24814 Some of StretchLayout instances could have been replaced with stock BoxLayout.

DNA-24815 Implement Rough Dialog Flow

* DNA-24826 ?presto-small-prefs-dir fails to migrate Opera 12 profile

DNA-24855 Clean up and remove some interaction obstacles

DNA-24856 ExtensionServiceTest crash/fail due to missing resources

DNA-24880 Create link in sidebar and add put stuff there when sharing

* DNA-24885 [chromium] event page with xhr to redirect url never unloaded

DNA-24892 Refactor manager and bookmarksView before proceeding

DNA-24896 Get rid of redundant methodType_ variable

DNA-24901 Style Google search box in the new Start page

* DNA-24918 ?Shared by me? is visible irrespective of ?sharing? flag

* DNA-24926 Unable to click the Speed Dial on old Start Page

DNA-24936 Add string in the corner flip to return to the new Startpage

* DNA-24954 Mac [10.6] MP3 cannot play

DNA-24969 Lossless optimization of bundled Speed Dial tiles

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

opera 28 beta finally has sync enabled by default, and I see that there's a flag for multidrag in the bookmarks manager which would finally make the new bookmarks manager usable for me, perhaps its time to give it one more shot

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Does opera link now have actual Boommark and Password sync.  I remember the later versions of Opera had link, but it didnt work and you had to dig into the forums to find out it hadnt been brought over from 13.x or whatever the latest presto version was. 

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Does opera link now have actual Boommark and Password sync.  I remember the later versions of Opera had link, but it didnt work and you had to dig into the forums to find out it hadnt been brought over from 13.x or whatever the latest presto version was. 

As of right now, opera stable doesn't have sync enabled by default (have to enable it in opera:flags), opera beta has bookmark sync enabled by default. Opera dev has bookmark, SD and Tab sync enabled. We don't have password sync yet but I'm sure its coming (IMO lastpass is much better than browser's password management/sync anyway though).


I haven't tried the new tab and speed dial sync yet (I'm currently using beta channel), but the bookmarks sync is working really great for me in beta across multiple devices (my windows desktop, macbook, and android phone).

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