The French Autopatcher XP is here !

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I'm proud to present to you the French Autopatcher for Windows XP 32 Bits. This french version include the same content of the other Autopatcher.

A XP 64 Bits version will be released as soon as possible.

- More details and download link (in French) :

I'm looking for some generous people who will be able to host the French Autopatcher (to have a mirror) because my bandwidth is very limited.

Perhaps a torrent version is a solution, il'l looking for that.

(Thanks to patipata for the translation).




Je suis fier de vous pr?senter la version Fran?aise de l'Autopatcher pour Windows XP 32 Bits. Cette version Fran?aise poss?de le m?me contenu que les autres Autopatcher (mais en Francais).

Une version XP 64 Bits sera mise en ligne d?s que possible.

Plus de d?tails ainsi que le liens de t?l?chargement :

Je suis ? la recherche de g?n?reuses personnes qui pourraient h?berger l'autopatcher (afin de faire un miroir) parce que ma bande passante est tr?s limit?e.

Peut-?tre qu'une version torrent est une solution, je vais ?tudier cela.

(Merci ? Patipata pour la traduction).


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Okay, I've been waitin' for this for a long time. <3

Thanks a ton mickael44.

Thanks for the torrent Apul,

I am sorry, i am late for the August release, i was in holidays :p.

It will be ready in a few days.

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