The Funniest Activation Story Ever

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either a really big newb...or someone with NO common sense. :no:

You can be a really big newb... and you still wouldn't do this.

The most obvious reason - if you were a "really big newb", you wouldn't have Longhorn in the first place.

All the factors against someone being this idiotic makes this story much too unbelievable.

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I had a friend in college, kept on scolding windows for not running any 3D games, was having S3 virge, oldest 3D accelerators.


I was a bit liek that at college, well too busy having as much sex as possible to really get to rips with 3D gaming :D

I put Win Xp on my sisiters PC few months before it was launched anywhere. She phoned me a few days later telling me it can't be win XP, because the helpline for broadband said its not released yet.

Argh, they did give us manual setting to set it up after that......

I wouldn't mind but she has a degree in computer science, god knows what they teach em....

amazing!!! how did she get into college in the first place? :huh:

computer science seems to have little to do with the actual hands on use of computers. Not really sure what use its for exactly........

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What are you talking about? Are you ok in the head? Who are you to close a thread? The whole forum is closed huh? Wow, that's strange, I could have swore I was still typing in it... (N)

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