That SMS bug just struck

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Ive been reading about the bug in Android that will sometimes send a SMS message to the wrong user, and today its happened to me.

I sometimes wonder if my life is scripted, how is it possible that when I hear about things that they usually end up happening to me within days?

Ive had my HTC Desire since May last year, never updated it as I was happy with everything. Today i added a new contact and sent a message asking them if they wanted to go to lunch next week with me and a few other people. Message sent but it came up saying it had sent to my new contact plus an ex girlfriend that i haven't spoken to in a year.

Don't believe it. ;)

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Just don't show up to lunch and let your new contact and your ex work things out. :)

EDIT: Also, I thought the bug caused texts to be sent to a different contacts number, not an additional perhaps you accidentally sent it to both or you found a new bug that adds random contacts as recipients of text messages?

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Im terrible for keeping numbers. I don't really delete any because then if I do get a call I wont answer it by mistake through not knowing who it is.

Interesting point about the bug not causing messages to go to two recipients, the person Ive sent the message to normally responds to emails really fast but they still haven't responded to the text. The ex responded, her name is Angela and Im pretty sure she is first on my contact list which is alphabetical so maybe i did hit her name as well, Ive never made a mistake like that before though.

Her response was ok, just "you sent your message to the wrong person", I replied back and said thanks for letting me know.

Got nothing back after so no real problem.

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