Artificial Trees to Produce Oxygen

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Here's an idea... stop chopping down real trees ;)

I can see these devices having good real world implementations though. So long as they work in harmony alongside nature and that corperations don;t use them as an excuse to not farm natural trees in an ethical manner.

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Maybe im wrong, but i guess Mars and the Moon dont have that kind of atmosphere that would keep the oxygen in its place, and these "plants" need co2 to produce oxygen, im not sure mars or the moon has it in an enough amount. These are just guessings, im not an expert at all, i hope someone can correct me if im wrong :D

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OK, so... How much CO2 is generated to convert those old plastic bottles into these "trees"? They'd better return more than was used to create them, otherwise you still have a net loss. :p

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first thing that came to mind about this was the lorax and people with plastic trees with air bottles in them.

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Something like this would be useful in say, interstellar space travel. Any carbon dioxide emissions could be converted to oxygen for the crew.

what happens when the air has too much O2?
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I think you're confused. Eugenic had little to do with Star Trek, that was actually Genetic modification. Eugenics, doesn't need to do genetic modification, it's about removing the weak and unwanted form the gene pool. and was supported by a lot of people before WWII, including some former American presidents and some other famous geniuses at the time. but after Hitler put it into practice it became kind of unpopular to be a eugenics supporter so they all pretended that never happened.

Eugenics didn't mean sending people to death camps either.

For a lot of supporters, eugenics was entirely about voluntary behavior, and they didn't want any state intrusion at all.

At most, to eugenicists with the more invasive solutions, it meant sterilizing people with inheritable diseases like epilepsy or with mental retardation. But that wasn't universal.

Saying Hitler embodied the belief in eugenics is a little but of a slander on the people who genuinely supported it

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what happens when the air has too much O2?

Giantism. Back 300 million years ago when Earth's O2 levels were significantly higher there were mayflies and dragonflies with 1.5+ foot wingspans.

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