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Gas-electric hybrid vehicles, the status symbol for the environmentally conscientious, are coming under attack from a constituency that doesn't drive: the blind. Because hybrids make virtually no noise at slower speeds when they run solely...

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María Jesús San Segundo, Spanish Secretary of Education and Science, and Carlos Rubén Fernández, President of ONCE foundation, awarded the prize to the scientists at the historical Complutense University auditorium in Madrid. Georg Boomgaarden, German...

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Even though this is just a study and nothing is conclusive, everyone should remember to rest their eye perodically (every 20 min) when using a computer. This is especially applicable to people playing HL2 non-stop...

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An increasingly popular technique for preventing e-mail abuse is frustrating some visually impaired Net users, setting the stage for a conflict between spam busters and advocates for the disabled. Many companies have...

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