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The next version of GNP is ready for testing. The download contains a debug build of GNP with debug symbol files (which makes the download larger) so that any error output with contain more information to help fix any issues. Once I feel it's stable, I'll put together a final release build. I've been running this version on my system for the last two weeks and it's very stable here.

Changes in 3.0 b1 include:

  • New preferences dialog (again) based on the Windows Control Panel UX. I've made a lot of effort to use the same system resources, layout and measurements that the actual control panel does in order to give this a native appearance and feel.
  • Reorganized the jumplist commands and jumplist email display. Should make it more obvious what the default account is for.
  • Improved the logic for displaying emails and fixed the toast email display.
  • Improved locale (i18n) file layout.
  • Improved lots of internal mechanisms.
  • Fixed all of the issues that were reported (if it was possible) since the last version.

For a full list of specific changes, see the COMMIT-LOG file or

Please note: since the locale file layout/format changed for this version, most of the old locales were left out of the beta build. I'm hoping to get them back into the app for the final version, but I only have access to so many folks that speak another language. If you speak another language fluently, please consider submitting a locale file. (I'd prefer it if folks used github and submitted it via a pull request, but I'm not picky on this one)

Info on Gmail Notifier Plus is here Gmail Notifier Plus Readme


Please report any errors on the project on Github, along with error data. I won't triage issues on the forums here.

For my own sanity, I won't be replying to support requests or error reports on the forums here. But members should feel free to help out other members. Report issues here:


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Yeah it sounds like exactly the problem.

And no, you shouldn't ever need to delete any files in AppData from previous versions. Im not sure how the original author did every release, but personally, I hate having to reconfigure each new version :)

For anyone following the thread; looks like this is an issue isolated to 64bit Windows users. I'm trying to track it down and working with a guy through github that's helping. If we cant come up with a solution I'll either be recompiling as a 32bit assembly or putting in a stop-gap for the issue at hand.

I presume this is the error you're talking about? (I'm on Win 7 64bit)


[Window Title]

Gmail Notifier Plus Error

[Main Instruction]

An unhandled exception occurred:


Error ID: 52b38cc1-3669-4352-9ed1-df257084eeab

Parameter is not valid.

[Expanded Information]

Server stack trace:

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)

at Shellscape.Remoting.RemotingSingleton.Run(String[] arguments) in N:\Git\Gmail-Notifier-Plus\External\Shellscape.Common\Shellscape.Common\Remoting\JumplistRemotingSingleton.cs:line 32

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)

Exception rethrown at [0]:

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

at Shellscape.Remoting.RemotingSingleton.Run(String[] arguments)

at Shellscape.Program.CallRunningInstance(String[] arguments) in N:\Git\Gmail-Notifier-Plus\External\Shellscape.Common\Shellscape.Common\Program.cs:line 105

[V] See details [OK]


Press CTL + C to copy this error to the clipboard.

@PsYcHoKiLLa yes, thats the error that users will see. If you'd like to help troubleshoot it, please shoot over to the github issues.

@aznkid - slowly. its not an error that is well documented, as its probably not something that folks have run into very often. the solution is to target x86 (32 bit) processors only, but I'd rather not go that route unless i absolutely have to.

@aznkid - slowly. its not an error that is well documented, as its probably not something that folks have run into very often. the solution is to target x86 (32 bit) processors only, but I'd rather not go that route unless i absolutely have to.

What do you mean by targeting 32-bit processors only? Have you decided to do this yet?

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