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I made my first custom anti-virus and scanner all in one. Download link is below with virus scan.

Before using this anti-virus, YOU MUST disable your current anti-virus because it will mess your anti-virus' up.

To open: Open the downloaded WinRAR file>TDC Anti Virus>TDC Anti Virus>bin>debug>TDC Anti Virus.exe

Note: I suggest you not use this as your primary anti-virus as it's still in it's beta stage. If you would like, please donate to me so I can keep this project going. Pm me to donate. Thanks,

Download: [snipped]

Virus total scan: http://www.virustota...9b57-1319475096

Edited by Denis W
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Do you think we could get a little more information about this program? With the spotty information that you gave, I wouldn't install this even if I was running Windows.

For instance:

Which versions of Windows is it designed to work with?

What are the minimum system requirements? (Other than Windows and no other anti-virus, which is the only such information in your post above.)

Why is this better than my current anti-virus?

What qualifies you to write an anti-virus solution?

How does it work? Does it require regular definition updates or is it entirely forensic heuristic?

How do you plan to release updates? (Especially if it requires definition updates!)

What is the release model? You mentioned that its in beta (and clearly its free now), but will that always be the case?

If you plan on maintaining this program, when will you have a website with more information and binaries (and source code?)?

As a personal curiosity, which language did you use?

Edited by xorangekiller

Oh yeah sure! This anti-virus works with XP, Vista, and 7. It's not better than your current anti-virus I can tell you that. I'm wanting you guys to try it. I need some reviews. Also, I recommend you to not use this as your your default anti-virus.

The reason I uploaded the file to Sharecash and Uploadzz was so that it doesn't get indexed on Google. It's in its beta stage I guess you can say. :D

Like hell I would trust this...

why sharecash in godsake or even worse a password protected page which is even worse, atleast use dropbox or your own ftp instead >.>

And tehre aren't any virustotal links too, no screenshots, no other info, You think anyone is so stupid to download and run it?


Why do I get the feeling that a kid wrote a batch with remote pc and wants to try his new toy on us....

Should put up a screenshot.

For those that think it's a virus, why not run it in sandbox?

I don't think it's exactly a virus*, more a batch script made by a kid that wants to see how many he can fool with a remote pc batch lol, too bad for him that such jokes aren't appreciated ROFL

*(if it was it would be first post and a more spamlike post)

just gimme direct link by pm to it and I will take a look mwuhahaha

Not saying I think it's a virus, but if you were to create a virus and embed it in a piece of software, most other virus scanners would be oblivious to it unless it behaved like something, or had parts from an already existing virus. If you created something new, we'd all be screwed. I'll give it a shot in one of my VMs.

Congratulations - that webpage doesn't contain a virus; how about a scan of the actual file? ;)

Additional information

Normalized URL:

URL MD5: b1863362d0cf7c70e7d7d72e9d109b57

Content-Type: text/html

Need a direct link, and if it's compiled into an EXE, I would like the original source code. The ones above want you to fill out surveys and sign up for gift cards and crap.

Edit: Upload it to sourceforge, that's a pretty well known site for distributing software.

As you can tell, we're all a bit suspicious.

It's your job to give us confidence in your software if you are serious about it. Upload it to a reliable and trustworthy site, and present us with a preview of the software before we actually click the download link. Would help a lot! :D

So you wrote an antivirus in 1.33MB -- yeah OK ;)

You do understand if you want people to run this you going to have to put it where people can actually get at it vs the nonsense sites you posted too.



And other one requires a password and what looks like payment to get such password.

Yeah not going to happen - I would be willing to run this on one of my test VMs and take a look see to what your up to.. But sure not going to dick with either of those 2 sites.

Maybe I will do one of the surveys from a test vm??? Since I wouldn't doubt those surveys are pure JUNK/SPAM/Virus as well.

Really did you really think anyone on this site is blindly going to install software from someone that's uses dodgy web sites for the installation files.... Let alone no documentation or screenshots (non-photoshoped) of said program.

Not saying I think it's a virus, but if you were to create a virus and embed it in a piece of software, most other virus scanners would be oblivious to it unless it behaved like something, or had parts from an already existing virus. If you created something new, we'd all be screwed. I'll give it a shot in one of my VMs.

This is not true. Anti-virus programs don't function on a fixed list of hashes. They will detect viruses in modified files, and they will detect slight modifications to viruses through heuristics algorithms which every major anti-virus empoys.

As for his anti-virus, I seriously doubt it. Yes, there is an open-source antivirus called Clam Anti Virus which will have a list of all the viruses it detects, and that could theoretically be used, but to think that someone actually wrote a whole anti-virus engine around that themselves is a joke. This isn't real.

Reported the user.

LOL, not only is the "anti-virus" you created hosted on a horrible download service with a ton of popups, advertisements and overall scam-feel, but it's all wrapped up in a 1.33mb file. The other download requires you to pay. This is laughable.

Don't download this file, that is, even if you could.

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