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Your software looks reasonably nice, but I have a few questions.

First, from the description in the screenshot I can surmise that you intended it to be a repository of software to install on a computer after reformatting and reinstalling Windows, but what does it bring to the table that current solutions do not have? For example, Ninite is an excellent solution that I have used many times to download and install the most up-to-date versions of free software that I use after reinstalling Windows. How is your solution better; does it automate the installation like Ninite? Similarly, what are its limitations compare to other products?

Second, how are you planning on licensing this software? If you intend to charge, how much? If not, will it be open-source or merely free? On a related note, since the title of your program states that it is in beta, where can we download it to test?

Finally, not to sound harsh, but there is a sub-forum for software created by members here. Why did you post this in the programming related one? Is there something you need help with? If so, what specifically and in which language? If not, is there something related to the code or some other piece of information related to your program that you wish to share or discuss?

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