Public Bathroom Made Of 1-Way Mirrors

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Artist Monica Bonvicini created this usable public toilet made of 1-way mirrors. It allows a user to do the doo while watching the world pass them by. The art installation, which you can find in London, is called Don?t Miss A Sec. That?s cool, I guess, but you should see my art installation called Please Take a Sec and Go To The Damn Bathroom In A Private Place With Zero-Way Mirrors. The last thing I need when I?m in public is to know there?s some pervo taking a crapola just inside that big mirrored box over there. The second to last thing I need when I?m in public is to be able to hear the tooty sounds of a stranger coming from that big mirrored box over there. Call me sensitive, but NUH UH.


People should just gather round it and stare into it :p

EDIT: Looked around for a better article and it seems that this is actually from way back in 2004 but a few sites must have just picked up on it.

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No offense, but is this story new to you? This story is literally 7 years old. Still creepy and funny every time I hear it, but yeah... I'm quite sure the topic has been discussed in RWN before. Just sayin. It's good for a funny reminder though, so thx. :)

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I want a house made of one way mirrors... but in a pretty garden or forest, not in an ugly neighborhood. I'm not sure what I would do for interior walls, though.

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blah blah blah...

complaints complaints complaints....


That is freaking awesome to say the least! :D

Glassed Silver:mac

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We had 1 way mirror windows at school and if you cupped your hands around your face and went right up to the glass you could see inside the room

The trick that never failed to work was someone saying "Hey, xxx wants you in that room" so you`d go up to the glass to look through and get a slap on the back of the head so you nutted the window

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