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Here is a New tool for Windows 7 and 8

Take Control of Your System

This program was written with you in mind. It puts system options in one place for you. It also allows you to open your favorite files and applications with a couple clicks.

Master Control Panel:

Runs "All Tasks" command a.k.a Windows "God Mode". Unlock the power of your PC with one stop.

Run Command:

Open programs with ease.

Shutdown options:

Shutdown or reboot your system with a couple clicks from the system tray. You can also abort a reboot, shutdown, or logoff that has been scheduled. Lock your computer to prevent others from using it without a password.

Recycle Bin:

Puts access to your recycle bin in your system tray. Open and empty your recycle bin from the easy to use menu. Detects and displays how many items and the size of the files in your bin.


This is what the program was made for! Allows you to configure a list of your favorite programs for easy access in your system tray. This list can be as big or as small as you want it to be.

Custom tray icons and standard options:

Pick your own icon and set program to start at boot.


Tell us what you think about it

CURRENT Version is 0.3 Im just using an out dated screenshot :D

Other Information:

If Installer fails try again and if it still doesn't work try un-zipping it with 7-zip or WinRAR... Then run setup or the *.MSI directly


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Thanks for posting this for us... Now i have updates!!! :)

Current Version 0.4

Full Change Log:


Version 0.1 & Pre-Release builds - released

Initial Version

Wrote Core for features

Version 0.2 - released

Updated Error Logging and Reporting System

Changed About box UI

Version 0.3 - released

Added Bins by 1UpIndustries Support (Hide Open Windows section)

Added Jumplist support

Added Keyboard launcher

Added APM

Version 0.4 - released

Added User Registration section.

Removed APM for testing purposes.

Updated Icon (removed windows explorer icon)

Updated menu interface. Add defaults items and spacers.

Added Plugin system for developers.

Improved Clover Tab Support (MCP).

...? A bit useless? Or spam accounts?

I DARE someone to download and 'run' it

ignorant statements like that ARE useless

people have been using my software for years now... here is a picture of the last page for the download DB we have at


that doesnt include the other 300+ downloads without the tracker... :D

anyways i updated the website last night... enjoy

So your plan for this, according to the 'Solutions' page, is to charge money for a system tray menu? If you're going to create a simple application (which this is) then just open source it and allow people to use it without trying to squeeze them for profit.

I'd also recommend redesigning your configuration dialogs so that they don't break UX conventions. Overriding window backgrounds, fieldsets (group boxes) and the like are very '99 and vb6.


And I'm not trying to bust your balls too hard here man, but take a look here: http://shellscape.or...94806538271.png

  • You have a form here named "Form1", function names and variables are misspelled (not the worst, but really?)
  • errrrrrything is stuffed into the root namespace.
  • Also, perform null checks - there are a lot of places they're needed.
  • Why in the world are you using registry keys with naming like this: (@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\PAYMYRENT\SYSFUNCTIONS\ShortCuts ? "PAYMYRENT" looks like scamware (which this isn't) and makes it really difficult for someone looking for your app keys to find them, without searching the registry.
  • Ditch the "MyProject.Computer" namespace and utils. I know you're using VB.NET for this, and it's really convenient, but they don't update that namespace anymore, and using the actual, appropriate classes for the same functions is a much better idea.

Looking through the code for your app, it's not commercial quality. Sorry, but that's my opinion.

that's fine ill work on making it look better in reflector if you want... im only going to charge for it because its been around and I know people use it but they haven't donated anything.. you need to understand that if I would get 100$ in donations I wouldn't charge people for it... :D

I'm not sure from your reply if you understand... reflector does a pretty good job of original source code representation.

I disagree with your justification 100%. Gmail Notifier Plus has over 65,000 downloads (that I know of) and you won't catch me trying to release a paid version after years of releasing it free, and open source. I write software to suit my needs, and I release it for others who might find the same use for it. I'm not in for profit, and I think your reasoning is counter to the nature of this forum (Software created by our Members). I don't agree with your justification for charging either - "donate, or else"

If your goal is to release commercial quality software, you have a lot of work to do.

Honestly, it's a simple app. You haven't obfuscated it, so just make it open source and stop trying to squeeze people for money.

neither am I... I would rather it stay free but I did warn the users if I don't cover the cost of the server space with donation I would charge for it...

I wrote this to help me get to my server settings faster when I was running my own 2008 r2 box... just to help with iis and all the other task that "All Tasks" had to offer

anyways --> my heads up: lol.PNG

I have Updates again :D Free is version 0.4 - Pro is 0.5 and it cost a small price of 5$

Version 0.1 & Pre-Release builds - released 7/17/12

Initial Version

Wrote Core for features

Version 0.2 - released 7/29/12

Updated Error Logging and Reporting System

Changed About box UI

Version 0.3 - released 8/31/12

Added Bins by 1UpIndustries Support (Hide Open Windows section)

Added Jumplist support

Added Keyboard launcher

Added APM

Version 0.4 - released 9/25/12

Added User Registration section.

Removed APM for testing purposes.

Updated Icon (removed windows explorer icon)

Updated menu interface. Add defaults items and spacers.

Added Plugin system for developers.

Improved Clover Tab Support (MCP).

Version 0.5 - Professional - release date - 10/13/12

Cloud based model. Load binary from

Removed keyboard launcher - security issues have been fixed

Unlocked plugin interface.

Fixed program close bug. hang at reboot.


- User registration binary.

SFSC-Main binary

- Updated about box UI.

SF-Main server

- completed validation core

SF-Main website

-Pricing Updates and added twitter and facebook feed.

neither am I... I would rather it stay free but I did warn the users if I don't cover the cost of the server space with donation I would charge for it...

Put it up on SourceForge, or one of the other sites, and then, guess what, you won't need to pay for a server!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There are other software project hosting sites, Google has one, and i believe GNU also has one.

I know but it was a group decision to setup a server and get a site dedicated to the programs. All of theese programs have been in the making for about 4 years.. its nothing new to us its just new to you all :D

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