What was the last movie you watched? (2013 Edition)

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This movie had some interesting concepts and light interweaving with some lovecraft stuff but poorly executed and at times throws too much at the audience without explanation or follow up.  Its also kind of just one dumb decision after another the end of which is I have no idea why it ends the way it does.



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 can't believe I haven't seen this, queuing up.

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The Iron Man trilogy

Iron Man 1: 7.5 / 10. Good movie, a nice introduction to the super-hero, a bit predictable

Iron Man 2: 7.5 / 10. Good sequel, on par and Scarlett Johansson in a catsuit

Iron Man 3: 0.5 / 10. A catastrophe, a DVD I will put in the category 'Things I bought when I was totally drunk'. Hero has been denatured, watered-down, characters and story have become so stereotypical Jason Statham movie are Shakespearian masterpieces next to it. Ben Kingsley had obviously a lot of taxes to pay. Atrocious

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Great movie, for a romanticised, pseudo documentary, (or maybe narrative would be kinder) Good solid performances from everyone, nice feel good factor, and made me remember the stories I used to be told about Lauda when I was growing up.

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A 115m moving motivational poster with a soundtrack by Jos? Gonz?lez.

I enjoyed it, but wouldn't watch again. Too sugary.

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