About 70 percent of lottery winners go broke

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If I won the lottery and people started asking me for money, I'd just tell them I spent it all on Microsoft points.

It's not illegal to simply say NO.

Personally if i would win many millions (let's say dunno 100) i would give a part of this to my close family (mother, sisters, father, nieces, nephews). Let's say 25% of the total. That's all. Any other request for money would be denied forever.

I would buy a better house, a new car and would invest most of the rest. I would keep enough for my retirement in a rock solid bank without any risk.

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  • 2 years later...

Dumb people are still dumb even after they come into a lot of money. Question for the Neowin crowd... You are a person of modest means and win $135 million dollars in a lottery. How do you invest it? I have a philosophy about that but I like to hear from the masses.

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